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if someone is musting, it means you can smell them from aproximately 100 metres away or even just infront of you. They will have BO. (they smell really bad)

to must, means to smell bad...
to be musting, means to be smelling really badly...
a muster, is a person who musts...

That guy across the room is musting and i think im going to vomit!

by Tits and ass man April 1, 2011

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(n or adj): anything of poor taste, quality, or smell; this term is often used antonymically

synonyms include: sick, awful

"Dude, this is muste, in the best way."

by j_moore August 4, 2019

The Must

"The Must" or being "Musty" is a feeling one has after getting really high. It's a feeling one may experience when they feel as if they are watching them selves in third person while still looking through their own eyes.

Bro 1: "yo I got hell high last night and I'm feeling really weird today."
Bro 2: "bro your musty!"
Bro 1: "man that is exactly what it feels like!"
Bro 2: "yeah man you got The Must!"

by Maxxoushades February 12, 2018

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must be tuesday

A phrase normally used when an outsider tells you something crazy that just happened but in actual fact it is a common occurrence in your strange fucked up life and just like any other day.

Phil - "Holy crap! Geoff just tripled himself in the middle of the parking lot!"

Kevin - "It must be Tuesday."

by Alekso Schmekso June 7, 2016

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needed or truly desirable; essential; also, something that is considered essential or truly desirable

This LEGO set is a must-have!

by Fergiinka March 28, 2010

Must be nice

The world's most condescending phrase.

Girl: I'm getting fucked up tonight!
Guy: Must be nice.

by mcnatty December 9, 2010

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must not fap

promise to oneself saying: "I shall not masturbate"

Someone sends you a picture of a hot chick and you reply back: "must not fap". Simple :)

by afrosamurai88 May 19, 2011

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