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bang my brains out

To be Fucked very hard! usually if your brains are being banged out, you have about 2-3 orgasms.

a girl: OMG Josh said he's gonna bang my brains out!!
the girls friend: are you going to let him?
the girl: hell yeah!! lol

by b-r-i-a 54 August 31, 2007

48πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

My brain just lagged

The word you say when you see or hear something so confusing that you spend a literal 10 seconds to process what just happened.

Friend: But why where we need this that or something fool consequences?
Me: Oh wow, my brain just lagged.

by The7Guy November 12, 2020

blow my brains out

what i will do in a few days

me: "I'm gonna blow my brains out soon"

by jayma13222 November 9, 2022

22πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Burst my brain/head

A Nigerian phrase used to express great surprise or shock that leads to confusion.

β€œI can’t believe Ayo slapped his father, the thing just burst my brain/head!”

by A Reigns November 17, 2020

blow my brains out

wanking furiously

blow my brains out is a phrase used when you wank so hard that your brain EXPLODES EVERYWHERE FROM EUPHORIA

by eatingrice May 3, 2015

34πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

blow my brains out

What you say to a hooker when you want her to give you special treatment

Blow my brains out baby

by Dubiks February 8, 2019

15πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

my brain hurts

to cause pain to the brain . or to cause pain to the cerebral cortex

my brain hurts when I think bout that.

by loveguru155looovcvm,cvl;mc October 18, 2016

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž