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feel my speed

To be in tune with the latest styles, lingo, skills, or information. Mostly used in reference to someone who isn't -- one who doesn't feel your speed. Usually said by someone way ahead of the crowd in trends, fashion, skills, or information. Used in reference to a race where one is among (or no where near) the leaders and can (or can't) feel the roar of the other engines.

1. That punk don't even feel my speed, and he ain't never gonna.

2. Feel my speed, bitch! (Catch up to where I am)

3. Now you're feelin' my speed.

4. I whipped his ass so bad in one-on-one, he couldn't even feel my speed.

5. That brotha came so fast she couldn't even feel his speed. (sometimes it's a bad thing.)

by kevnar July 31, 2006

feeling my oats

feeling my oats means that someone are feeling themselves.drag queens mostly use this term.

Iโ€™m feeling my oats

by Xanthivia Hudak June 13, 2020

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Feel my rug

The innocent, almost double entendre comment made by some normally called Norma-Jean asking if someone has felt her new skirt which when felt has the feel of a nice furry rug.

N-J to client "hey, would you like to feel my rug?"
Client" well, it's an offer I haven't had tonight"

by theoriginalsexyrexy October 19, 2010

my dick feels like corn

It is when your dick is at its best

You: I can't feel my dick
Me: well my dick feels like corn

by MAD14 January 5, 2015

42๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A qoute said by Tenguman in the Capcom game,"Megaman 8." When hit by his,"tornado hold!",you would be elevated into the air,in which he'd then hit you then say,"Feel my power!"

Ha,you fool. FEEL MY POWER!

by CurlyHayami September 9, 2004

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

feel my vein

Feel my penis.

Heyyy lady, feel my vein.

by chris13524 July 8, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

My arms feel like noodles

The act of getting so high to where your arms feel like noodles, and you get the stanky legg

I'm so high my arms feel like noodles.

by Ak brahhh March 25, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž