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Verb: To make men and women, and society, devoid of gender tendencies or characteristics in the attempt to eliminate feminity and masculinity.

A primary goal of Western feminists is to neuterize society.

by Melissa Clouthier August 28, 2006

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Neutered Metal

Neutered Metal is some funny dude monkey strumming two or three muddy chords with a knit cap on jumping up and down. AND NO LEAD GUITAR!...This stuff is REAL funny!

Just watch MTV. I rest my case!

by Zilla November 30, 2003

Technologically neutered

To strip technology of all meaningful features, thereby violating its original intent to solve problems in an automated way. This is typically done by an enterprise through a series of decisions made by folks with no understanding of technology, e.g. legal or risk. Fears that drive to these decisions are typically focused on trying to prevent behaviors through technology limitations, without isolating that the issue is the behavior. The end result will likely be a set of technology that looks similar to the current technology set, just with a different look and feel on top of a fundamentally rearchitected platform typically costing millions of dollars.

The approach would be equivalent to not allowing knives in the cafeteria for fear of stabbings vs not hiring people who won't stab each other. Only technologically neutering costs much more.

They technologically neutered the SharePoint environment by removing everything but the list and document library. It is no longer usable for its core collaboration functions.

We have technologically neutered our mobile email by not allowing attachments.

They technologically neutered their CRM by turning off the workflow features.

by ColdheartedMatt February 24, 2012

Neutered Carpet

A shaved pubic region, where the hair has just slightly grown back.

My neutered carpet itched so bad during class.

by amanda rickmers December 18, 2007

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neuter harness

The restraint of one’s manhood.

That dog is so crazy, it needs a neuter harness.
They need to put him in a neuter harness to make sure he doesn’t procreate.
I’ll never get to see my best friend again, his wife put him in a neuter harness.
After November 2, he will be put in a neuter harness.

by King Smethnic III July 29, 2019

neuter nazi

Neuter Nazi is what I call a person that is radical about neutering. Neuter Nazis are ruthless in their attempts to see that all animal companions are sexually mutilated,nothing matters to a Neuter Nazi except clip and snip!

my mom is a ''neuter nazi''

by chuck April 12, 2005

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computer neuter

One who continually submits entries to Urban Dictionary to the exclusion of everything else in life.

``Hey, Bud, don't you ever come up for air? You're a real computer neuter.''

by tirtle March 1, 2017