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new-age tail

A woman (or women) of sexual interest, that prefer alternative approaches to traditional Western culture, and have interest in spirituality, mysticism, holism, and environmentalism.

Frank: "Cults are great for attracting new age tail."
Dee: "Guys, you can't go straight to fixing apartments and getting young, new-age tail. You can't do that. That takes years of brain-washing."

by boringoldorange January 5, 2018

New Age Parenting

A parenting style were the parents allow their children to be the boss! AKA- Attachment Parenting!

"Sweetie, please stop running around in the store?" (No response from child) "Honey, darling". (still no response from child) "Oh well, he is just a kid and I follow his lead, it's called, New Age Parenting."

by Oldschool53 July 11, 2008

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New age traveler

People, or groups, who travel between festivals or fairs to commune with others who hold similar "hippie" beliefs.

Often convoying in old VW buses, converted camper school buses, or vans

They live on the road and make money by pan handling or vending.

Many follow touring bands.

Often seen on Dead/ Phish lot

or selling their crafts at a shake down

Did you notice the pack of new age travelers selling their crafts at the shake down?

by Slavecku September 13, 2010

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new age friend

A way to say you are having sex with someone without admitting to being a whore

He's not really a boyfriend, he's my new age friend. - Cat

by Student420 November 10, 2007

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New Age Puritan

(1) a person who speaks of sex abstractly, in terms of moonbeams and sunsets, rather than pussy and cock; (2) someone who projects the misogynistic history of porn onto all erotic imagery; (3) a person incapable of celebrating the physical beauty of human bodies; (4) an unattractive person feigning sexual restraint, scholarly disinterest, and spiritual enlightenment in order to appear more soulful and attractive.

1) If that starry New Age Puritan sends me another photoshopped sunrise with a Rumi quote I'll burst into rainbows. "If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?" That goes for you too! (2) I thought she was a New Age Puritan so I tried seducing her with sunflowers and poetry, even adopting this mangy three-legged cat from animal rescue -- but as far as I can tell all she wants is sex because she refers to my kitten as "The Zombie" and encourages it to hunt nightingales; (3) That New Age Puritan would be terrified to know Rumi had erections. All the time. Horrible painful ones. (4) Whenever I see a solitary woman in an interesting setting I whip out my camera and try to find an angle - never know if you'll score an image that will take off among the New Age Puritans.

by The Friendliest Helper Ever March 13, 2012

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New Age Notion

New Age Notion is a 4 piece Australian band bringing a fresh sound to old influences. They have just released their new single "What Happened To Forever" with their debut EP set for release on November 23rd.

Combining catchy original music with an energetic and entertaining live show, they are a band not to be missed with 2017 building up to be a big year!

New age notion are freaking amazing!

by Mhhart98 July 31, 2017

New Age Hipster

An individual who tries to go against mainstream lifestyles, and favors the ideals of non-conformity, yet conforms to other hipsters around him-her. Typically, new age hipsters view themselves as artistic and often times sport "thrift store chique". if you would like to find a new age hipster, go to artistic neighborhoods in major cities, such as Williamsburg in Brooklyn. When looking for a fine specimen of new age hipster in Williamsburg, look not at the orthodox Jews, but the bohemia who are all wearing thick non-perscription glasses, and American Apparel wear that they say they bought at a thrift store. Hipsters used to be seen as cool, but are quickly losing reputation as new kids come into this scene who have an art history degrees and live off of their parents wealth.

Typical Person: Hey, where did you get those jeans.

New Age Hipster: A thrift store... <ugh>

Typical Person: Oh wait, no, you still have the tag hanging off, you got that from American Apparel. Ok.... What music is that you are listening to?

New Age Hipster: It is just a small band, you wouldn't know of, or appreciate them. <Haha>

Typical Person: Try me.

New Age Hipster: Matt and Kim

Typical Person: Arent they like celebrities now-a-days, they are awesome, but not a small band to say the least.

New Age Hipster: <Ugh> Whatever, Im going to go smoke with my friends, Im too cool for this anyways.

by Brooklynite7 August 20, 2010

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