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Identification for someone whom does not identify as man or woman but as in between or outside these boundaries. These individuals are fabulous stunning amazing beautiful queer-tabulous slay kueeng boots the house down pop your p***y. These individuals usually have gender-neutral names and go by a combination of He/They/She or using only one (They/them, He/Him, She/Her)

Person 1: Did you hear that Ace is non-binary ?

Person 2: Omg I love that for them!

by I’m Queer May 25, 2022

62πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž


A way that people claim to identify as in terms of gender.

" I identify as non-binary."

" Hahaha. I identify as an Apache helicopter".

by East Yorkshire May 29, 2017

707πŸ‘ 472πŸ‘Ž

non binary

some of the swaggest swag sexiest people you could ever even dream of meeting having amazing features such as massive monster slongs and also flavorful poppin puthys these creatures have been historically know to be better then you in absolutely every way

i am non binary and cool.

by cool guy with big cock November 22, 2020

1043πŸ‘ 1777πŸ‘Ž

Non Binary

Gen Z's version of "I'm not like other girls" syndrome. Children are most likely to catch this extremely contagious disease. Preventative measures are not letting your kid use tiktok, or any other social media, and not giving them an Ipad until they can be trusted to use the internet maturely.

"Kid in my class got "I'm not like other girls syndrome"

"You mean non binary"

by thefogiscomingthefogiscoming May 15, 2022

2149πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


Someone who identifies as something other than a binary gender. The binary genders being male and female.

I'm agender, so I am non-binary.

by NΓΈtTylerJΓΈseph21 November 5, 2016

728πŸ‘ 1623πŸ‘Ž

non binary

mostly defined as an umbrella term consisting of every gender that is not male and female but can be though as a gender within itself.

"Which Non Binary Gender are you?"
- "Genderfluid"

by lolifucker August 3, 2022

22πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž

Non Binary

Sometimes refered to as agender. Most simply put, a non binary person is someone who does not identify as a binary gender, a guy or gal.

Non binary people typically use they/them pronouns, but can use she/her, he/him, zie/zer, or any other pronouns they feel comfortable with.

Hello! My name is *random name*, I'm non binary and use they/them pronouns.

by DethronedRoyalty February 14, 2020

674πŸ‘ 1505πŸ‘Ž