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"a funny person"
one who posted a very funny definition for fondle

taken from ogre's post "wow, that squirrel really seemed to like the fondling i gave him.. he blew nuts everywhere"

by mini-moi December 9, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A spectacularly unworthy guy who has won the affections of a perfect woman through wicked trickery.

That ogre is monopolizing all Alyson's child-bearing years.

by Buttons G. October 31, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stuart Bawden, the sexiest, sweetest, cutest guy I know; I love him so much.

Ogre: You're a running shoe

by Blueknightess March 17, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


a tall girl about 10 feet high who lives in nj and has the longest legs and is hot

oh man look at ogre! she grew another 4 feet!

by MelissAriadne March 18, 2003

2๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. To treat something as if you were an ogre.
2. To smash or destroy with brute force.

You totally ogred that little kid! We better run.

by David Q Chen February 1, 2007


Slang term for an extremely unattractive woman. Normally one who is morbidly obese, smells like a decomposing carcass, and has 5 o'clock shadow. May be wearing a tank top and/or yoga pants that say "cutie" or "princess" across the back of them.

January is a popular time to eyewitness many an ogre at Planet Fitness. Most times they will be there on free pizza day. If they are there "working out" they are probably wheezing after a 5 minute session on the low setting of a stationery bicycle.

by M_Dubz152 June 7, 2023

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A city in Latvia, located on the Daugava river, the city has everything, smokers from the age of 7 and higher, good train station and a few soviet khruschevkas!

No jimmy, Ogre is not shrek, it is a city!

by DurxXD October 25, 2020

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