Source Code


1; As to what an owl would say.

The sound an owl makes; "Owwwwwwlive".

Blake Johnsons pronounciation of the word "owl".

by ashleyy February 12, 2005

5πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Olive is the most wonderful person ever. Olive is a girl with amazing hair, a lovely face and a clever brain. She has an amazing personality and if you ever meet someone who is brilliant enough to be an Olive, you should worship them

"oh my god that girl is so amazing she must be an Olive!"

by Lilly clark July 7, 2012

483πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


A savage who does not give a fuck.

Sexy, loyal, smart, funny, BRILLIANT and a really good friend. Known tho have massive penises and tiny egos. Really easy and fun to talk to. A great kisser and a better fucker.

Holy crap it's an Oliver
If you're going out with an Oliver, never lose him <3
I wish I was an Oliver

by The Slow Sloth April 28, 2020

548πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


He is a fuckin god mate. He has a lightsaber on himself everyday. He is so fuckin cool you don't even realise. Oliver is cooler than everyone. no one is so cool as Oliver

Fuck. Oliver is cool

by Omni_Lynx January 29, 2020

984πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž


An amazing kid. Amazing artistic, talented, smart, and way mature for their age. They are outstanding friends, and can make anyones day. Their artistic talents are way beyond their years, and they will for sure make it big. There are so many people who love them :^)

"Oh man, did you see that piece of art?"
"Oh yeah, must be an oliver who made it, its so good"

by JakeEatsDirt November 9, 2019

247πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


The best person ever. Smart, beautiful, creative, artistic, and SEXY! If your name is Olive then you have an awesome personality and no boy can resist u. Girls named Olive are nice, sweet, kind, gentle, and loving.

It's Olive NOT Olivia.

"Wow, did u see that girl?"
"Yeah, she's so hot."
"Yeah, I bet her name is Olive"

by a legit person August 7, 2012

283πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


a smart, sexy, likable, buff, and leadershipful dude who’s so fuckin cool he’s so cool bruh he’s cooler than how much gordon ramsay says β€œIt’s raw” literally every day he has a lightsaber on his hip like he’s literally cooler than how good ur mom is of a roast like bruh if ur a girl and knows someone named oliver ur safe in life ur gonna be a billionaire


by totallyurmom January 11, 2022

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž