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equal opportunist

1. Equal opportunist is when one believes that everyone (regardless of race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc) should have equal opportunities.

2. regarding sexual orientation; you're willing to play for anyteam.

1. i hate EVERYONE, i'm an equal opportunist

2. are you straight?
i'm an equal opportunist.

by single&broke September 2, 2012

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Opportunistic Oppression

Revealing an otherwise invisible or indistinguishable characteristic of marginalization when advantageous to a situation.

Nicki used opportunistic oppression to get a first-class upgrade by revealing her pregnancy to the flight attendant, though youโ€™d never be able to tell by how great she looks.

by Don Ghuffer May 29, 2020

Opportunistic conveniencer

Someone who actively seeks the most convenient route in life at every opportunity.

Person 1 "Hey man, wanna go hit the gym?"

Person 2 "Is it within walking distance?"
Person 1 "Nah man we gotta get the bus..."
Person 2 "I'll pass thanks bro"
Person 1 "Damn it, you're such an opportunistic conveniencer"

by Thewreycouncil October 22, 2019

Polygamist Opportunist

Someone who promiscuously or loosely invests their time in no fewer than four businesses, hoping that some of them would be obscenely profitable.

By not being faithful to his main business of halal products, polygamist opportunist Hamid got his fingers badly burned by partnering with โ€œinfidelโ€ partners into the roller-coaster crypto business.

by Fasters August 18, 2023

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Opportunistic vegetarian

A vegetarian that will occasionally eat meat if they are put in a certain situation and wish to do so

Mike: Hey Annabella that's meat you are eating I thought you were a vegetarian?
Annabella: I'm an opportunistic vegetarian and there is not much else to eat while we are camping!

by Heady Snobber August 24, 2017

Opportunistic People

People who can only get ahead in life at the expense of others.

"Daniel's sisters talk smack about him to his girlfriends because they don't want to see him with other women. They want him to only be theirs so they can feel fulfilled emotionally, mentally and physically while getting ahead in life at his expense. Daniel's sisters are opportunistic people."

by Geoffrey Singh March 11, 2018

Opportunistic Fucker

Noun, Adjective

1. a person that may have sex with whatever offers when in the mood, may include inanimate objects as well

2. someone not considered a bisexual but will have sex with anyone of either gender without hesitation

Steve was not a bisexual, he was very much a straight man, but when he was horny it was fair game to anyone who offered but after he peaked it was back to being a straight man, which made him and Opportunistic Fucker

by Idregger April 10, 2011

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