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A fine boy with a big dick he let bop

suck it

Bop sucked ora dick

by Bsbyd April 28, 2019

3πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Rita Ora

She is only famous because of her concerts where she wears low-cut shirts that later cause the media to talk about her "nip slip" that happened at the concert. If she wasn't such a slut, she wouldn't be famous. She is also a bit overweight, and needs to loose that weight.

Stupid Person- "OMG I love Rita Ora!"

by Bluejeans March 24, 2013

600πŸ‘ 220πŸ‘Ž

Kia Ora

A traditional Australian rugby term used to welcome overseas coaches to their new Wallaby homes because Australia doesn't have any useful coaches of its own.

"Kia Ora Mr Dean's"
"Kia Ora Mr Penney"
"Kia Ora Mr Rennie..."
Etc etc

by sgmc81 November 20, 2019

Rita Ora

A really hot singer

Have you seen that Rita Ora chick? shes really hot and is a great singer.

by Noob M a s t e r 6 9 May 8, 2019

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Kia Ora


Māori word for 'Hello' or 'thank you'. Most commonly used in New Zealand

Kia Ora Lady Gaga! Welcome to my whare (house)

by Yazziethepirate November 17, 2016


To think up something original or have a new, cool idea that signifies independance, or to agree with or acknowledge something of someone else.

eg. 1:

Friend 1: hey man today's gonna be dicktits.

Friend 2: Ora-ginal.

eg. 2:

Friend 1: Dude your a freekin sexslut.

Friend 2: The hell does that mean?

Friend 1: dunno.

Friend 2: Ora-ginal.

by nutshak February 24, 2009

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

A Rita Ora

A Rita Ora is someone who shows up to many events where they do not belong, or are unwanted.

Anna Kendrick is becoming a Rita Ora, she keeps going to the Grammys even though Pitch Perfect was years ago.

by Destroydadsneakers February 17, 2019

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž