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The Phalanx was popular military tactic in Ancient Greece and was used by the Roman and Macedonians.

A Phalanx was like a wall of spears and shields. Greek hoplites armed with a spear and shield were packed together. Usually it was about 8 men deep.

The Spartans and other Greeks formed a Phalanx to battle the Persians at Thermopylae

by AllosaurusFragilis December 21, 2018

Mega Gay Phalanx

That seems to look like a phalanx (Mega Gay Phalanx).

Alisha: Go down on me!
Ron: Mega Gay Phalanx!
Alisha: Totes sosh! Sucks a way (suck noisez)

by trashtalkasias March 17, 2022