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someone whom is from the far east who plays online fps games at strange times in the night

those fucking pinoys and there stupid battle cries!

by noobkiller August 6, 2006

134๐Ÿ‘ 333๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj-A slang word, esp. used by gurlz, referring to a hot sexy filipino.

n.-One fine filipino.

Gurl A: "Who's he?! Dang he's one fine pinoy"
Gurl B: "Gurl move over, that pinoy is about to be mine."

by annonymous December 3, 2003

134๐Ÿ‘ 381๐Ÿ‘Ž


In Filipino Spanish, Americanized Filipinos in opposition to true blue Filipinos of Hispanic allegience.

Sionil Josรฉ es un pinoy redomado
Sionil Josรฉ is an inveterate Pinoy

En las Filipinas de hoy solo hay pinoyes
In today's Philippines there's only Pinoy ones

by fonsucu February 28, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


The filippino equivalent to nigger, but not nearly as derogatory...to most filippinos

girl: OHH, you a hot pinoy

me: i am going to hit you now

by Mattstor August 27, 2006

82๐Ÿ‘ 333๐Ÿ‘Ž


A health condition

"Pinoy" Syndrome can be characterized by subconditions like Manilitis, Bisayanitis and Mindanao.

There is currently no cure for this condition.

The gender-specific version of this word can also be "Pinay"

Can also be referring to people of Filipino Nationality

"I heard he was recently diagnosed with pinoy."

"If I was diagnosed with Filipino Nationality, I wouldn't want to live anymore."

"Can you believe it? A whole country that was diagnosed and named after a health condition?"

by CertifiedPinoyBaby April 15, 2022


Filipino male (Flip girl=pinay) or just plain Filipino. No kristenssn, it`s not what the "ghetto" Filipinos or "wannabes" say. What the fuck chick. Seriously, if you are going to "define" a word.. GET IT THE FUCK RIGHT BITCH! Us Filipinos are very proud of our nationality so fuck off... and learn how to spell you whore.

Me: "Fucking proud to be pinoy(pinay) bitches."
Pinoys&pinays: "Fuck yes!!"

by VickyE September 21, 2005

777๐Ÿ‘ 771๐Ÿ‘Ž


Losers who dont accept defeats. When they got lose in a competition, they think they have been cheated or robbed and cry that judges are unfair or racist to them.

A Pinoy: "F*ck you judges! Monika deserves to win! Gani's shrimp, anorexic ugly b*itch! Lets boycott this show!!"
Me: "Oh you're such a Pinoy.."

by Damona1988 June 19, 2015

109๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž