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The New Pollution

The information, technology, media, etc... that invades our everyday lives, that constantly bombards us and effects our minds.

Also a song by musician Beck.

Tara would not let herself be effected by "the new pollution".

by Zach D September 14, 2005

mind pollution

Unneccesary, irrelevant and plain boring information, media and advertisement attacking your mind, resulting in a slow and superficial condition.

Damn John, stop the mind pollution, I don't care what you ate last week.

by nomologic May 15, 2009

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visual pollution

A person or a thing which is so atrocious or ugly so as to metaphorize it as spreading disgust by just being in sight.

"Last night we saw you with Beth. Are you guys dating?"
"With Beth? Oh please, spare me!! She's like a visual pollution."

by raj_apart May 1, 2008

iTunes Pollution

Songs on your iTunes that you don't really like. Maybe you liked them once and then got sick of them. Or maybe you downloaded them for free off of iTunes Discovery Downloads, thinking that you could learn to enjoy them, but never did.

Me: Hey, could you burn me some of your Three Day's Grace songs?

Hannah: Yeah, sure. Hey do you want some MIKA too?

Me: Nah, I'd never listen too it. It would just be more iTunes pollution.

by LindseySubtlyInked May 30, 2008

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noise pollution

The garbage that passes (or not so much) for music on American Idol

You actually subject yourself to that noise pollution on tv?

by Notch April 30, 2003

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Digital Pollution

The act or process of polluting digital space with bites and bits of repetitive, worthless crap. Especially digital pictures i.e. kids, dogs, sunsets, landscapes, weddings. Bloggers are especially guilty for filling the digital spectrum with their self important rambling.

My sister is on the computer nightly contributing to the cause of global digital pollution.

by ldeporto November 1, 2008

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dictionary polluter

1. n. one who puts stupid ass definitions on Urbandictionary.com about people they know personally from their school.

Listen up, kiddies: its not cool - and it never will be - to write about how (hot, athletic, sexy, ugly, stupid, mean) you think (name) from (location) is.

Your pal won't think you're much cooler, you're enemy will only laugh at you more because of your pathetic cyber-nerd venting methods and your date won't think your confession of true love on the internet is original. In fact, they'll probably think you're an assclown.

1. That person who wrote the definition inspiring this post was a dictionary polluter.

2. This site used to be funny years ago when it poked fun of a lot of things, but now its clogged up with teenie bop bullshit and is losing its entertainment value. Stupid dictionary polluters.

by Roger Clemens November 30, 2004

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