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bro pono

When you do a tit for tat favor for one of your bros.

I gave my bro a few beers and he helped me get a job at the record store. Sick bro pono favor!

by Hasbroseph May 27, 2011

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malama pono

Respect, in Hawaiian slang.

I have a lot of malama pono for you.

by Allen Feldman March 31, 2006

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pono peterson

a very cute guy thats from hawii. a Monica usely likes him. Pono's will marry Monica's and live happily ever after. But Ponos know that the Monica's love them but choose not to love them untill the future. funnny,sweet,athletic but unfortunley everyone thinks Ponos are fags,queers,and annoying but Monica's. Pono's usually likes Alexis's(Monica's best friend) but then sees Monica is better

girl1:Man Pono Peterson and monica are the cutest couple ever
guy1:i know right!!

by mooo1234567880 November 19, 2010

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someone who derives humor at someone else's expense

individual is assaulted by birds gone crazy....a pono would laugh at this situation

by Laci May 31, 2006

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Jan Pono

People who are named Jan Pono are brutally honest, sarcastic, has the world's sexiest legs, overall super sexy and most importantly thicc.

Ava: Whow she's pretty thicc.

Ana: Chill out mate, but yeah I agree. Just look at her legs!

Olive: Hell yeah, she's a total bae! Her name's probably Jan Pono.

by Jamal Has the nine October 14, 2020


Means "righteous" or "good" in Hawaiian. Calling someone "pono" means they are good, nice, etc. Usually a boy name, but can sometimes be a girl's. Watch out –even if it means "good", they might be a bad boy, or an evil, gossiping, trashy snake of a girl.

Person 1: Hey, Pono!
Pono: Hey!

by you imbecile November 17, 2017


Ponco mon amigop

Yes ponos taste good

by Furrys? Hello no November 19, 2018

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