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presence rizz

When your rizz has evolved past speaking to women entirely, they feel your presence and turn instant waterfall.

"I dont have vocal rizz, I have presence rizz"

by TheLoreCollector October 8, 2023

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po presence

n.: short for "police presence." Used in reference to the close vicinity of a police officer, police cruiser, or any other law enforcement unit

"Po presence!"
"Yeah, I see it"

by Jared March 27, 2005

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presence of god

The inner feeling that God is near you, that God is by your side or surrounding you. A spiritual hug. An invisible knowledge that God is there. An awareness of His presence. Even though He is known to be omnipresent, when people feel the presence of God, they are sensing that He is making Himself known. He is manifesting His presence with the intent that you will know Him better in the moment. It leaves an impression. As if a friend just paid you a visit. Without being able to see God, His realness becomes apparent. He existence becomes knowledgable. He becomes more than a theory, He makes Himself known as a God who is near to your heart and acquainted with your circumstances. Knowing the presence of God is not like the conscience. Although it is a similar unseen awareness of God, the conscience tells you good or bad, right or wrong, Whereas, the presence of God is more about a heavenly relationship or incarnation (God is with us, Heaven meets earth), a revealing of God to you and being in the moment with you. As if God is enjoying being with you. For examples of how God can be real in everyday life, read "Practicing the Presence of God" by Brother Andrew. (French/ English)

I felt that I was surrounded by the presence of God.

by Truth Remains August 22, 2019

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Brought Presence

The best thing to say when you discover it's a Birthday Party & didn't bring a present!

Girl: Hey, where's my present?
Boy: Er, I Brought Presence?
Girl: Yahโ€ฆ tightwad.

by little-miss can't do wrong July 27, 2011

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bar presence

(1) The ability to attract the attention of a busy bar tender in a crowded bar.
(2) The ability to forcibly and persuasively make your point.

Mary has awesome bar presence. She can walk into a crowded bar on a Friday afternoon and get her drinks order in a couple of minutes. Fred, on the other hand will stand a t the bar all night and be invisible to the bar tender. He has no bar presence.

by DougTheDog April 13, 2023

court presence

one who owns the basketball court, one who is confident, one who commands the floor, one who shines by just walking in the room, one who captures all by their mere confidence and appearance, one who exudes aesthetically

Coby Bryant is the epitome of court presence!

Mr. Boran will beast the meeting today, not because he's been diligent but for the fact he possesses amazing court presence!

by aLiLbit June 14, 2012


The greatest garage band ever

Zak(zach)-guitar Vocals

la la la we are the omni-presence and we are the ones who care.....

omni-presence the state of bwing everwhere at all times

by Disa January 12, 2004

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