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Quagmire of epic proportions

Something you would say to describe how much trouble or problems you have gotten yourself into.

Leah: Oh no! We got dirt on mums new dress.
Sophie: Shit! What should we do? There isn't enough time to wash it before the party!
Leah: This is a quagmire of epic proportions!

by Ghostkid XD August 21, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wheel of Enormous Proportions

A jackbox party pack 8 game, it's a trivia game but it does not matter if you are smarter than everyone else when you also need Luck in the Winner Wheel Portion. At the end of the game, the Big Wheel will answer the question either provided or your own question you ask at the beginning of the game. Answers may Vary, the wheel can either be truthful but it can also Scar you for life, but the wheel lies about 99% of the time and that 1% is it is not sure.

With the Wheel of Enormous Proportions

by PatrickMat March 2, 2022

Paris Hilton Proportions

The term Paris Hilton Proportions is used to describe how hugely fake a girl is.
1)Dyed hair, fake-n-bake tan, slut's clothes, colored contacts, spends more than her parents can afford.
2)When a girl has no identity of her own and must act like whoever she is around to desperately try and fit in.
3) when a girl is so inexcusably fake around boys, her friends are embarrassed to be around her.

PHP Girl: Yeah, lyke, I SO shop at Gucci all the time! *flips hair* I live in Beverly Hills, yeah, lyke, Penelope Cruz and her boy friend Matt are my neighbors!

Normal Person: Jesus, this girl is fake to Paris Hilton Proportions!

by Peaseblossom85 July 20, 2006

70๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

the Gru Body Proportion

When a person's torso and head are significantly larger and non-proportional to their arms and legs, so that the person being observed looks quite like the movie character Gru from Despicable Me.

Guy 1: Hey dude, did you see that wierd bitch at lunch today? Her body was so un-proportional!
Guy 2: Yeah, she looked like a prime example of the Gru Body Proportion.

by UnderOber June 15, 2017

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epic proportions

Epically retarded and unfunny.

by Anonymous September 13, 2003

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Teddy bear proportions

Refers to a body type that resembles a teddy bear that can make somebody appear cuddly.... Believed to be muscular bodies padded with a layer of fat, but could just be somebody who is big-boned

"Yelena from Black Widow and Hawkeye has teddy bear proportions."

"Check out Luisa Madrigal from Encanto, she looks like she has teddy bear proportions."

by Giska Whome December 29, 2022

law of inverse proportions

The generally inverse relationship between the size of a woman's breasts and her IQ.

Bill: Jessica's got a great rack.
Bob: Yeah, but did you ever talk to her? Law of inverse proportions, man.

by Jersy Jim December 25, 2011

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