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An affectionate term given to a vagina. Insinuates that the vagina is already moist and delectable.

I would love to lap your puddle and make you cum.

by JimmiDigital January 27, 2003

32πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


The act of peeing in your partner’s anal canal. Goes hand and hand with geysering.

last night i had a sleep boner, insted of wasting it i ramed it into her ass i gave her a puddling.

by GMFU and the ROC July 22, 2008

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


During sex, a woman releases a decent sized puddle unto the man and/or sheets. This is not urine.

Dammit honey, you are puddling all over me!

Need to wash these sheets again, my girlfriend puddled last night.

I'm gonna fuck you so good that I make you puddle!

by FapinaDerpina June 28, 2012

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A word that really means, "sperm pool". Something a man creates, or a really WEIRD woman makes.

Nice puddle there, Adrian.

by Myst November 16, 2004

61πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


When there are large amounts of puddles on the ground.

Not to be confused with Puddly or a small pool of water.

Alex: "It rained a lot last night!"

Jared: "Now it's all puddlely!"

by Chillarity October 13, 2011

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


LSD crystal is almost always diluted into liquid before consumption. For ease of distribution, the liquid is put into dropper bottles. One drop is measured out to be one dose when making the liquid.

In a dropper bottle, the glass dropper tube can hold dozens of drops at a time. The doser carefully squeezes the dropper bulb so that it only pushes the desired dosage out of the tip, say 1-5 drops.

LSD liquid is often dropped onto or under a persons tongue. People can feel the drop in their mouth but just barely.

Puddling is when the doser does a forceful squeeze of the dropper bulb which results in the dosee getting a larger than normal amount of liquid in their mouth, which looks and feels like a puddle.

Sometimes it’s intended sometimes it’s not.

Jason got puddled yesterday by some guy gifting doses

I got puddled at the festival last night and ended up bathing in the golden light on the hilltop all night instead of dancing.

by Take-One August 14, 2019

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Large, strange shaped nipples. Puddles are generally found on boobs sized C and up. As the titty (and the girl ) increases in size... so does the chance for puddles. Puddles are similar to pancake nipples but not exactly the same. Puddles tend to be a brownish color almost like chocolate milk, and are much stranger shapes!

"I really thought her tits were going to be nice, but the nips we're an odd color and the shape of fucking illinois!... definite puddles"

by Johnny5ive August 17, 2011

24πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž