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1. A prison bitch.

2. A punk rocker: someone who is into upbeat somewhat rebellious music

1. You're such a punk!

2. I like: punk, metal, etc.

by sam0000 October 31, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A punk girl is like any other punk. She dresses how she wants, has very strong feelings about issues and authority, and is actually usually pretty happy. Punks usually play in some sort of awesome punk rock (or just punk) band. Common punk instruments are guitars and drums. They usually have colors in their hair. Punks like to be creative and try out new things, and they hated it when pop culture took over and it became 'cool' to be punk. Because being punk is being different and not 'blending in to the crowd'. Thanks for reading.

Punks are awesome, individual people. Punk rockers rule!!

by punk.chick March 25, 2007

93๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Punk is not deifinitive. Its music, and whatever itmeans to a induvidial person.
Often a movement from the Punk Rock music, often a fast 3 chord style inspired of early rock n roll. However also element of ska and other genres is often seen. De definition punk came up in the late 70's but the music has ben alround probaly for decays, but the name was given after the English music magazine "punk" wich featured bands as patty smith and the sex pistols. Many bands such as Cock sparer (UK formed 1974) and the Ramones (usa formed 1974) is today considered punk. Gary bushel, English music journalist named certain punk bands "Oi!" (Cockney slang, means "Hey!" "hi!" or "hello!") However today the the punk, and most of all the SKinhead movement has taken this word and made it a aprt of their way of life. However it would be a matter of opinions wich band is a punk band and wich is an Oi! band. There has always ben political opinion invovled in punk lyrics, but not a certain parti political line. Many punk lyrics ex:
Ramones, I'm against it:
"I dont' like politics, I don't like communists, I don't like games and fun, I dont like anyone! And im against it!"

Cock sparrer, watch your back:

"We don't wanna be part of a new religion, we don't wanna be fooled with a swizz balde knife, We don't wanna be part of a political dream, just wanna get on living out life"

However other bands like Crass has clearly a string left ving political moment.

A band like the Exploited and the sex pistols, has posed with nazi symbols, but their lyrics are in no way right or particually left ving. It seems like a provocation against exstremists, both left and right and the casual person.

Both extreme left ving and extreme right ving punk bands have ben seen, but has not becomed a generel considered typical role model for people interested in the punk scene

Punk is not a fashion, its a way of life

by Sune Borgen February 18, 2005

860๐Ÿ‘ 420๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you listen to punk, it makes you feel angry and alive, you want to make shit and fuck shit up, and in that moment you really honestly don't give a fuck what anybody thinks about you. that's what punk is about. it doesn't matter what you look like or what you listen to; it's about feeling that raw energy. punk is like the statue you get to touch in a museum full of things you have to stand six inches away from. and now you're going to make it yours.

seriously, put on some punk and see if you can feel it.

by hemorrhage July 9, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


punk is all about being yourself, liking what you like, doing what you do and not having to live upto someone elses expectations, only your own. there is no dress code, hair colour or rules to be punk, since punk is about being true to yourself.
chavs hate people they think are punks mainly because they are scared of difference and wonder why on earth someone in the whole world can use their own brain without having to chip into someine elses thoughts and feelings for a change
***punk music rawks =P***

1) "I don't care what you think about me Im happy doing what I do, let me live it man!" =P

2) chav: "oi geeza! hes a punk innit? he dow know dat da punks am dead n stuff haha (thinks to self I wish I was that independant just not using the word independant since they dont understand the meaning) Lets all go knock him ouuuw in fronta ev'ryone should be laf innit? *giant group of 400 scared chavs approch punk*
punk: "grow up ned! go get laid by someone who has actually developed tits!"

by Trinkbar_Trina August 30, 2005

233๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


i dont give a fuck, that should sum it up quite nicely.

think for yourself and then you'll understand what punk is and not what they say it should be.

by p-rock of above the arch December 13, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. n. a rotten piece of wood.
2. n. a bratty kid
3. n. the one who gets bent and takes it in the prison showers
4. n. an anarchisti, rebellious, wealth-denying obnoxious hooligan. often associated with a (not particularly) musical revolution from mid-1970s britain and america typified by bands such as MC5, television, the clash, and the sex pistols punk rock.
5. adj. anything displaying the "i don't give a shit what you nancies think about me" and "i don't like it, fuck this bullshit" attitude

"we're not into music; we're into chaos." -johnny rotten of the sex pistols

(punk is a beautifully angry thing and i like it)

by akary August 6, 2005

174๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž