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Queer + ain't

When a heterosexual cis-gendered individual is expressive in ways that defy hetero-normative gender norms.

When someone acts queer, but they ain't

"He is so in touch with his feminine side. I wonder if he's queer."
"Nah, that boy only likes girls. He quaint."

by sue.dunham March 25, 2018

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only girls can do it and its a mix between a queef, a fart, and just panting really loud while in the climax of an orgasm while on her period

That bitch just rolled out the biggest god damn quaint I've ever seen or heard. Dammit she broke the TV.

by Britches and Hoes December 8, 2010

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wet quaint

An erotic term for a wet vagina.

Last night Chloe had such a wet quaint.

by Kiwii December 31, 2016

quaint nation

Quaint Nation is the name of the religion for popular voice actor Griffin Burns, VA of Tartaglia β€œChilde”. It started small but now has been recognized in lots of places, with lots of members. Quaint Nation is represented by Jeremy, the orbeez shark.

Person: β€œHey dude!! Have you heard about the super cool Quaint Nation?!”
Person with sanity: β€œOh! The one represented by the super cool Jeremy!”
Person: β€œYeah, Quaint Nation! They are the best! Well, not the best mentally..”

by sevenissocool March 6, 2021

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getting to know someone you've "met" online, often as a precursor to actually meeting.

Before we make plans to meet, may we text first and get e-quainted? - OR - I'm glad you saw me online and said hi, Josh - it's nice to make your e-quaintance!

by kelray88 April 30, 2015

quaint racoon

An intresting raccoon in usual but attractive way

That racoon seems like it's a quaint racoon

by Quaint racoon April 17, 2023

quaint taint

Complimentary word that is slang for a female's lower-body genitalia

Christine certainly has a quaint taint!

by Fuzzy Archer November 8, 2009

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