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rapid shartation

Starts out as passing a little gas or silent trouser sneeze and quickly develops into mass poop flow from the anus area, usually wet and very unpredictable....

After eating the wet Sancho at Taco Casita, I experienced rapid shartation in the car on the way home.

by Dave the Carpenter January 23, 2021

rapid dave

Speedy Gonzales's urban american equivalent. He lives in the city and wears a baseball cap instead of a sombrero.

"Qucikly, Quickly, Quickly! Run Fast! Run Fast! Quickly!"
-Rapid Dave

by Missing Waldo January 3, 2008

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dell rapids

small town in south dakota. outside of sioux falls. nothing much to do here except drive around or hang out at local dairy queen. another hang out is a place known as "free"

small town that is dell rapids

by jader121 May 23, 2009

Grand Rapids

I sucked Betsy Devos's tiddies and all I got was gentrified. :(

Person 1: Where are you from?
Person 2: Grand Rapids, Michigan. There is lead in the water on The Westside of town.
Person 1: That's sad.
Person 2: Yes. Very. Betsy DeVos put a bike rack in my asshole and now I'm blind.

by Ein Lateral living & ded January 13, 2021

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Rapid Baz

Doing something fast, another slang term for 'rapid as'

"hurry up and roll that joint,
sound, i'll do a rapid baz"

by joeh312 November 26, 2010

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Rapid Deployment

The amazing, light speed action in which a male is able to get his cock out, engorged and ready for intercourse at just the mere mention of sex.

Susie said she was feeling a little horny and that's all it took for Roger's rapid deployment. He had her pinned on the bed making rabbit ears in less than 20 seconds.

by Eaton Holgoode February 15, 2017

Fleece Rapids

Small town that gets taken to the cleaners by shyster, out of town, psuedo investors. Often communities with seriously depressed economies. Named for Leaf Rapids, which surrendered future control of their community so the fucktard mayor could be on a fishing show. Community that sells out the citizens.

The unethical West Palm Beach development council is going Fleece Rapids by catering to that casino and kicking all those tenants out.

by Apaulo Agrinaut January 3, 2008