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Toyotal Recall

The phenomenon by which every defective model of Toyota vehicle (essentially all of them) is taken off the road. Tragically, Arnold the Governator and three-boobed hookers from Mars are not involved.

The 2010 Prius has brakes that don't function properly, making it the latest victim of the Toyotal Recall.

by slpm20 February 5, 2010

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scrotal recall

The sudden recollection of long past memories due to testicular blunt force trauma.

I can't stop thinking about pet rocks... and my balls hurt. Scrotal recall!

by C. More Hedgpeth May 18, 2008

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Turtle Recall

When you have a Turtles Head coming through, and you hold it for that long that said poo returns back inside of you.

Frank: "Hey are you ok? I noticed you were a bit uncomfortable earlier."
Billy: "Yeah I'm fine now, I had a Turtles head popping out, but then I got Turtle Recall!"

by nickbaz92 December 4, 2015

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Boner Recall

The memory of an erotic situation where only the object of facination is remembered causing an involuntary erection. All other details are forgotten like the day, surroundings, or even names.

Guy1: Hmm those bananas are on sale.
Guy2: Bananas....oh my (covers groin).
Guy1: WTF!
Guy2: Sorry. Just had a total boner recall of the time in highschool that cheerleader was eating a banana.
Guy1: Damn, wish I was there.

by botoitchi March 1, 2010

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DTFE recall

Short for "Down to fuck everything" recall. Used in situations where you find some dumb bitch who's so out there (either crazy, stupid, drunk or all of the above), that she's down to fuck you and your friends. In that situation, every one of your boys you call/text to inform she's DTFE is on the DTFE recall list.

NOTE: The author of this does not advocate sticking your penis in any girl that falls into this category!

Guy 1: "Damn, this girl is such a whore. She'd probably blow and fuck everyone in the bar."

Guy 2: "Oh shit! Time for a DTFE recall."

by Lunch Box aka L-Beezy June 6, 2010

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Toyota Recall

When you are fucking the bitch so hard that you cant stop wont stop (like you're a toyota prius/camary).

The bitch wanted to leave but my boy Amol Toyota recalled that bitch!

Arnold from total recall totally Toyota recalled that bitch because everyday hes cuming.

by Toyoda Jeet March 6, 2010

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Total Recall

A Total Recall is when one has intercourse with a 'busty', 'athletic' and 'skinny' girl all in a row.

"I finally slept with a busty chick last night to complete my Total Recall."

by Ahhhnold March 22, 2010

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