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reptilian death

To slice a victim's skin with such precision over the time period of several days as to create a texture of scales over said victim's body until they eventually die of bloodletting or shock.

"People who think Liz Hurley is hotter than Kirsten Dunst deserve a reptilian death."

by Ponce DeLeon February 18, 2003

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The Reptilian Brotherhood

The Reptilian Brotherhood is a cult secretly filled with Reptilians.

The Reptilian Brotherhood is love
The Reptilian Brotherhood is life

by hue hue HUE HUE February 20, 2016

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Reptilian hug

1. When a woman embraces a man in bed as a reptile would climb a tree, with desire to kiss his masculine member.

2. When you embrace your partner like a lizard would a tree, and you slowly climb up their body.

I'm gonna Reptilian hug you and climb up your body!

by fathwrong December 21, 2009

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The Reptilian Brotherhood

The Reptilian Brotherhood is a cult lead by Internet sensation Leafyishere. We are currently 1m+ strong and our ranks keep growing tremendously daily!

"I love Leafyishere, and I just subbed him!"
"Finally bro! Welcome to The Reptilian Brotherhood!"

by Reptilian Cpt. Scleafy February 21, 2016

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Elvis Reptilian

Every year in the annual Lizard music awards the winner is proclaimed 'Elvis Reptilian'. Named after Elvis Presley. This is due to it's incredible singing voice and the fact that they usually have a very good band playing with them.

Bob 'OMG, that lizard is so good at singing'
Charlie 'Well it was announced as Elvis Reptilian earlier this year'

by The Grizzmeister May 8, 2010

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The Reptilian Brotherhood

The Reptilian Brotherhood is a cult created by a surfer and youtuber called "Leafyishere" or Calvin. It's pretty much just a bunch of fuckboys saying HISSSSS in comments of youtube videos and subreddits.


by Leafyisafurball February 22, 2016

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Reptilian Army

The greatest army ever.

Reptilian 1: Hi do you like Leafy?
Reptilian 2: Yeah obviously, I'm assuming you do too?
Reptilian 1: Yeah definitely.
Someone that isn't a Reptilian: are you talking abowt that stupid canserus cyber buly caled leafisher or something like that
Reptilian 1&2: Bruh yeah we're talking about LeafyIsHere bitch! Reptilian Army 4 life

by I eat poop 69 January 15, 2022

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