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In this day and age, "retarded" is just another word for cool, dope, tight, chill, or whatever you say when you like something.

Beach Dude#1: Dude #2, the waves look pretty retarded out there, you wanna go catch them?
Beach Dude#2: SWEET!

Homeboy#1: Yo dawg... The clubs gonna be off da hook ta-nite. You down?
Homeboy#2: Hellz yeah homeboy#1, is gonna be retarded, foo.

RichBitch#1: Like, OMG... my dad just like totally got me the new 2005 BMW645ci. It's like, totally retarded! I love it!
RichBitch#2: That's hot... Didn't he like, get you the like, 2004 one last year?

Redneck: Ya'll imma go catchya some salmon for good eatin' tonight.
6 rednick kids: pop that's retarded!

ChineseGirl#1: Ching yong boing noi lang dong fang!
ChineseGirl#2: Pong bing dong retarded!

by Jimmy March 3, 2005

754πŸ‘ 806πŸ‘Ž


an idiot, doesnt always mean mentally retarded.

*john drops some french fries*
john you retard!

by 124 November 19, 2003

584πŸ‘ 647πŸ‘Ž


To slow down or hinder development.

The embalming fluid retarded the decomposition of the corpse.

by William H Ballard III February 12, 2004

380πŸ‘ 421πŸ‘Ž


my brother adrian

my brother adrian is retarded.

he doesn’t think 30 minutes is half of an hour

by bumfish October 18, 2019

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The most hateful and hurtful word in the English language.
Originally meaning having an intelectual disability, also known as mental retardation. For some reason people started using it to mean stupid or dumb. Mentally retarded people are anything but dumb. People with disabilities are for sure the most discriminated group of people. How many of you are against racism or sexism? But do you even think twice before you call someone "retarded"?

"Thats soooo retarded".
Honestly? You have no idea.

by itsnotretarded. June 29, 2009

462πŸ‘ 549πŸ‘Ž


An "unofficial" (not recognized by dictionaries) slang descriptor for a person/thing/action/object, etc., or a combination of, which is one or more of the following:

a great use of time, able, accounted, acting of own age, active, active mind, acute, adequate, admirable, adored, adult, ahead of schedule, alive, altruistically, always fresh, always in motion, amazing, amazing, amazing mind, animated, applaudable, applicable, appreciable, assertive, availing, aware, awesome, bargain, beautiful, beautiful, believable, benefactor, big, big time, blended, bold, brainy, brainy, brand new, brave, breathable, bright, brilliant, brilliant, calm, careful, certain, character, cherished, civilized, clean, clear, clearheaded, clear-minded, coinage, colorful, comforting, commendable, committing, communicative, competent, complex, conceivable, concerned, confident, congruous, consequential, considerable, contemporary, continued, convincing, cool, cooperative, correct, courteous, credible, crystal, cultured, cute, dear, decisive, deeply meaningful, defiant, deliberate, developed, different, different in the best of ways, directed, discrete, distinguished, dove, driver, educated, effective, effectual, effectual, empathy, endless, energetic, enjoying life, enlarging, enormous, enticing, equal, essential, essential, esteemed, excited, exciting, experienced, expression, expressive, , extraordinary, fabulous, factual, famous, fashionable, fashioned, fast, favorite, feathery, fecund, fertile

Russel is retarded.

by Gossamer Willowfly July 10, 2011

197πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž


extremely, very, to the utmost degree. Usually used to modify another adjective, as in retarded hot, retarded cool, retarded smart, retarded hip, retarded hard, etc.

Dude, that girl is retarded hot.
Man, your Mercury Cougar is a retarded sweet ride.

by banana colada March 24, 2010

135πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž