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rock climbing

rock climbing is a sport about whipping pop rocks at people and seeing how much damage you can do.

hey man i heard you were in the hospital was it from that rock climbing habbit you have?

by January 9, 2023

Rock Climbing

The sport of trying to find the easiest way to do the hardest thing possible. It involves getting really drunk on Mountain Dew, followed by shitting your pants so hard that you can hear the colour 94.

Greg: I like rock climbing!
Satan: I fear your power.

by professional_anus_tickler May 11, 2023

That's so rock climbing

You'll feel it in your gut, desperately escaping your lips. When you see something that's just so rock climbing, you've gotta say it.

*a climber drives to a nearby restaurant to poop instead of going in the woods* "That's so rock climbing"

by amawomps April 14, 2023