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To Sleep In A Public Place, Usually With Others.

"Yeah Man, I'm Bare Ruffin It On Saturday With John And Shit"

"Hey Mate, You Wanna Ruff It With Us Tonight?"

by Robziamsexy October 16, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something someone slips into a girl's drink so he can have sex with her

Peter wants to slip a ruffe into Tara's drink so he can have sex with her.

by Paul March 31, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


variation on German family name ruf, Ruffs are super smart.

look it's Charlie Ruff. He's so smart.

by imaginary insight February 27, 2018

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Ruff Ryders

Music label formed by DMX.
Ryders consists of Jadakiss, Jin, DMX, Drag-On, Styles, The Lox, Sheek, LT, Fiend, Aja, Infa Red & Cross.

Joaquin, Darrin, & Chivon Dean, established Ruff Ryders Records in 1988. These three siblings decided to launch their own record label after managing several artist careers for a numbers of years. The success of their business is created around the family environment they provide for their stable of artist. Ruff Ryders commitment to its family value has created a new breed of Hip Hop artist who work, corporately to promote their music. This posture has made them an innovators in the growing trend of family based businesses in the music industry. Their philosophy of business is centered on cross marketing their artist with their brand in order to allow all components of their business to be successful.

Ruff Ryders Tracks Consist of:

DMX - Where the Hood at
Drag-on - Trouble
Jadakiss - Kiss of Death
Jin - Learn Chinese

by Cosnett September 29, 2005

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ruff bird

A dog faced ugly female

Amy is a ruff bird, her face is so fucking ugly

by mitch00uk March 27, 2015

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Ruff Buff

a name refering to the ghettos of Buffalo, NY. specifically: the East Side, the West Side, Riverside, Black Rock, the Old First Ward, South Park, and Seneca

"I'm from the Ruff Buff, East Side"

by "Sniper" November 2, 2007

50๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lindy Ruff

The head coach of the best and most improved team in the NHL. By far the coach that should win "Coach of the Year" for turning the Buffalo Sabres from a slumping pro hockey team into a skilled, depthed, young, and passionate team after the NHL Lockout. Also they Sabres have the best fans outta the world in BUFFALO!!!...mainly thanks for the Canadians just a few miles away who have helped Buffalo and the people of Upstate New York to love the sport of hockey.

Lindy Ruff, the coach of the Sabres.

by SabresFan28 February 5, 2007

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