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A shapeshifter is this void blob thing that can cause a shit ton of damage like holy shit it's ANGY
Please do not pat the angy thing, it will screm

Holy shit that's an expensive ass toilet

Haha you F O O L

You naive little nugget
You absolute dumbass
It's not a $9999 toilet

It is I

he, she, they, that, it,

shapeshifter Ω©( ᐛ )و

by The basement demon August 2, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A person who can change into the opposite sex for criminal purposes. They can assume the characteristics body and gait of the other sex almost at will. Its more than a Sibyll like change, they are demonic in the change and lure you in by making you think they are "helpless" "coy" or "simple" and then attack when they are alone with you, torture you and eventually kill you unless you have good friends or family around you to protect you

Bill was surprised by his wife Theodora. He thought she was a domestic violence victim, so he gave her a house and once he bought it, Theodora shapshifted into a man and drugged poor Bill into outer space while she went around the city committing crimes as a man then shapeshifting when she returned home. During a brief moment of clarity during the intermission of his drug induced early brain death he realized to his chagrin that Theodora was a shapeshifter, Theodora had duped him and was the opposite of the victim he thought he had rescued. She was a predator and criminal . She was a He. She was a typical Shapeshifter.

by Julia Caesar October 17, 2018

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Reptilian shapeshifter

Reptile creatures that aren't from this planet and conspire to rule us all.

One of the subjects of the babbling of lunatics that can be accessed via youtube within two related video clicks of any video about fractals.

1) I was watching this fractal documentary, and the next thing I knew, I was confronted with the conspiracy of the reptilian shapeshifters... They're EVERYWHERE.

2)...am I a reptilian shapeshifter?

by mynoduesppseudonymmynoduesp February 11, 2010

46πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Shapeshifter personality disorder

The Changeling
- you change things about yourself
The Organized
- you think everything’s the same

The Channeler
-you act like other people
The Musician
- you act out like the lyrics you listen to
The Truther
- the one who tells the truth
The Wizard
- you think you are able to summon
The Therian
- you think you are an animal person
The Jaded
- you sit there and think

The Nimble
- you actively do things
The Rebel
- you destroy lives
The Trickster
- you tell lies or play tricks
The Fae
- a people person

I'm going over to Kris's house, I better do something beforehand because he tricks the others into thinking they did something wrong, I think he has Shapeshifter personality disorder

by provocaine December 24, 2022


Shawn Mendes

Stream Shapeshifter by Alessia Cara

by enekebwk July 15, 2021


Person who changes their face/identity to look like somebody else

Person1: Cardi b showed pictures of Nicki Minaj to her surgeon! She wanna be Nicki so bad
Person2: She is a shapeshifter !

by Drishka October 8, 2023

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A slang term for a stupid person.

"Hey bro, check out this shapeshifter that keeps trying to get the triangle block into the circle".

by SteveHarveyOswald March 24, 2019