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Froggys Sheepy

I addicted frog to his sheepy. Because his sheepy is to damn addictive.

Froggy /e3 Hi sheepy :D!

thats so froggys sheepy.

by froggy the kid August 24, 2009

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Sheepy Jairam

A fat sheep that my brother sleeps with all the time.

Mom: What did you do last night?
Kid: I slept with my Sheepy Jairam!
Mom: *Gets the belt out.

by Smaran May 8, 2019


The plural of 'sheep'

Art remembered when he would go out with his father to help herd the sheepi.

by filthygrungemusic August 7, 2006

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Sheepy Style

The "style," or process of having intercourse with a lamb or adult sheep. It may also describe the act of fornicating with other similar barnyard animals, as well.

Generally, this is a derogatory phrase used to indicate that an individual, typically male, is of a very rural, "backwoods" culture or environment. It is used to indicate that an individual either has sex with the aforementioned animals, or acts as though he is having sex with them during human to human intercourse.

Your sister's dating that dude? He's so hillbilly, he'll probably screw her sheepy style!

by Rev. Stephen December 3, 2010

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Wearing Ugg Boots without socks so your feet are directly in contact with the sheep skin fur stuff.

Going sheepy-back keeps my feet warm all winter.

by Jake Axel December 7, 2007

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sheepy flockerllalians

godgobbers who blindly following another godgobber, or a particular faith, just like flocks of sheep following a farmer !
godgobbers have an analogy about their congregations being a flock, so this is very apt use of sheepy flockerllalians

The Baulkham Hills Hillsong Church congregation, follow it's founder and multi-millionaire leader Brian Houston, like a mob of sheepy flockerllalians running after a shepherd.

by Frosty G March 15, 2008

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sheepy chops

someone who has mouth and jaw line similar to that of a sheep

lisa you have really sheepy chops, they well look like that of a sheepy don't you think sheepy chop chopies!?!?

by David D. Davegay November 5, 2003

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