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Shorter Bus

The "Shorter Bus" is a specific type of bus designed for the most retarded kid in school

"You see that kid right there? He rides the shorter bus"

by Oniiko-Kun August 6, 2021

Kick anyone shorter than you day

Kick anyone one shorter than you on December 1st

Kick anyone shorter than you day is december 1st

by Hey Hi Hey November 6, 2019


Shorter than shorter.

Jimmy: My pencil is shorter than yours!
Thomas: No way! Mines shorterer.

by FarmerJohnson February 23, 2013


A URL Shortener created by Spark -shorterer.xyz

Guy 1: Hey man, I got this really long link. You know any shorteners?
Guy 2: OH yeah actually, I just found this one on urbandictionary called shorterer.xyz

by xKoshiro January 19, 2020

Shorter Vision

a phenomenon that occurs while upon your studies at Shorter Sniversity. This phenomenon makes physically unattractive persons appear attractive because of the lack of attractive females.

Bro!! "She is so hot i would rail her 5 times."

What the fuck? Shes like a 3. you must have shorter vision.

by Chase Welch October 24, 2011

cooler shorter bestfriend day

october 20.

Skskslslslakal cooler shorter bestfriend days

you are cool. the cooler shorter bestfriend day

by iloveyousosobad October 19, 2021