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shrooms is a type of hallucinigetic drug that can be eaten or smoked. you can have an awesome trip or a horrable trip depending on where you are, who your with, and what your thinking. when your taking shrooms make sure you dont think anything bad or panic or anything. they make you feel really good. they last for about 6-8 hours. depending on the amount you take will determine what kind of things you'll see. everything will get really textured and colors will become way crazy. sometimes you laugh for no reason and you cant stop. you also become kinda retarded. you'll think things that you would never think of sober but when you try to say them outloud it comes out retarded. your pupils get really bigg and everything looks like its moving or breathing. you also get this really big rush like your free from everything and you feel like you can do anything. some people say that when you do shrooms you see one color more than any other color. thats sometimes true.

when i did shrooms, i looked at the clouds and they looked like skeletons that were dragons breathing fire and moving. then when i looked at the ground it looked like it was breathing with me. then for about an hour everytime i looked at something it was either green or it was outlined in green. also me and my friend went to a park and we felt this huge rush and she started running and she screamed just because it felt good. it was the best thing ever.

by Xxeletrikkx July 2, 2006

109๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


mushrooms that make you trip balls

after john gave me thos shrooms, i was trippin balls!

by socomz March 16, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any of a variety of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Especially Psilocybe species and Panaeolus species. They can be either eaten or smoked and the shroomer usually beings to 'trip out', seeing things, hearing things, feeling things. It's a very interestng way to explore your mind and discover your inner most self.

Danny and Billy bought some shrooms from Tom, the hippie down the street.

by blair July 7, 2004

320๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž


a happy, harmless little hallucinogen that makes for a good time with good planning.

i had a blast on shrooms, but it did take some effort from my friends to control my moods. you basically have to decide to be happy, and that nothing matters, because your emotions are fairly extreme. if something bothers you a little, you'll want to cry, etc. two friends and i did them together, and we were around mostly people who had done them before- which i recommend. the friend with us who hadn't done them really bothered me, and i eventually had to stay away from him because he kept messing with me.

in addition to sharing the shrooms with friends, it's good to go with someone who's done shrooms before but isn't shrooming. i had a really good time for the most part. i stared at a lot of things for a long time.. the ceiling, a fan blade with interesting wood grain, etc. some visuals were just too much to look at. our phrase for the night was, "it doesn't matter"... any time something would bother you you had to just decide not to give a shit and move on. i laughed a lot, and kept repeating phrases over and over. i talked the whole night about things that i like, and don't like, and asking people about the things they liked. i was also really good at beer pong for some reason, but i had a friend drink all the beer.

i was a happy camper until i smoked pot, and then i got really really paranoid... i kept thinking that i was poisoned (which i was of course) and that i was going to die (which, of course, i wasn't). i think i just don't really like being that high, though. i smoked more than i normally would because i thought i'd like it on shrooms, and i was wrong. for people who smoke a lot of pot, though, the two mix fine. my friends all got high with no problem.

stuff said while on shrooms:

yeah, man. YEAH! yeaaah i LIKE that! (this was said many times, usually followed by fits of laughter)

i just like the way it feels watching the color come off the marker and on the paper.. (referring to drawing circles with a highlighter)

i think believing in religion is like believing in cinderella. i mean, nothing wrong with cinderella. but people could be like, "yeah i'm christian," and i'd be like, "i'm johnny appleseed," you know?

i never liked snow white. guys kissing girls who are passed out? i'm against that. and the seven dwarfs? little guys? what the hell? you know what's also a crazy concept? smurfs. that is crazy. you know, the little blue guys running around in the woods? always happy? were there any girl smurfs? just one? what, were they just all gay, and just one straight one, and she was his girlfriend? i'm gonna look into that.

you know what would be really cool? if you had a parrot. one that talked. that would be really cool. you know like a red, what are those birds called? a parrot? why do i think of a parrot as like, a small bird? i want a BIG parrot. that'd be crazy.

by Jess likes shrooms a lot April 26, 2007

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a hallucinogenic drug; a type of mushroom that when eaten will cause hallucinations. The most common way to take them is to eat them after they have been dried (and on a pizza mmmmm...). You can also eat them in chocolates (sometimes in the shape of a frog) altho I wouldn't recommend this cuz you sometimes have to eat a lot of these in order to trip really hard.
It can take about an hour to an hour and a half for some to start to feel the effects. Some people will feel nauseous or even have pain in their knees or other joints but this is usually brief and tolerable, then the real fun begins.
The pupils will dilate and motor skills become uncoordinated and somewhat sluggish, like being drunk but yet very awake too. Hallucinations depend on the amount taken and usually include stuff like the patterns on your living room floor moving and twisting around, walls "breathing", light trails, colors become very bright and vivid, and generally you start to laugh at everything. A trip will last about 6-8 hrs (again depending on the amount) and since you digest the shrooms they will not show up on drug tests, but I'm not a doctor so I'm not totally sure about this.
The next day (if you have partaken the night before) the person will sometimes have a really bad headache and joint pains again. This is typical since you essentially just "poisoned" yourself the night before. But it was a lot of fun wasn't it?

shroomer #1: wow man.... i think the shrooms are starting to kick in. i can't believe how red that shirt is... it's just sooo ... sooo ... fuckin RED... wow so beautiful man.
shroomer #2: hey we should watch that movie spirit: stallion of the cimmarons or something. that would be so coool man..
shroomer #1: yeah ... jon bon.. HEY lets go outside and throw a road flare into a garbage can!
shroomer #2: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeahh hahaha HAHAHA yeah man. YEAH

by no_idea June 24, 2005

259๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


A form of mushrooms that you eat or smoke, oh ya, they make you trip out like mad, and they make you at people in a whole different way.

Me and my friends did shrooms for the first by chopping them up very finely and putting them in yougurt. Then we waited in my friedns basement until it kicked in, and when it did we were hitting eachother and going crazy on MSN. I broke my friends glasses by falling on them. Then we stared at the ceiling for 20 minutes watching it morph and change. Then my friedns brother came home and yelled at me to keep my voice down, and he wondered if we were on acid. He told us to go outside and explore, we did and it was amazing, everything was colourful and crazy, we found our way to the local pool, we went into the washroom and pee'd all over the walls. Next we went to the mall to get the great "WOW" feeling, i saw some guy and he look like a turtle. We traveled through the streets and took off our shoes, luckily one of my friends wasnt on shrooms so he made sure we didnt forget them, in the end we had walked about 6 km across the city.

In the end the moral of our adventure is that people are very werid.

by diseased sheep June 29, 2005

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They are a type of hallucinogenic mushrooms. You can find Psilocybe and Panaeolus species. Shrooms can be either eaten or smoked but the effects are higher and come to you faster if you eat them. Most people say they aren't worth the money but you're first time is one hell of a trip.

Once when I did shrooms I took a look into the mirror and my face looked like it was peeling off but none of my friends would take me to the hospital because they didn't believe me. Ain't that sum shit

by short shit June 8, 2005

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