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sigma male

The highest level of human being in existence

Look, it's Maya and Ignacio! They're Sigma Males!

by aghewughpag October 22, 2021

27๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma male

Sigma balls

Sigma male lmao

by Honeybun_1 June 28, 2021

979๐Ÿ‘ 256๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Male

Sigma males are dreamy, sexy, mysterious and their โ€˜donโ€™t give a shit about what others think of themโ€™ attitude just drives women crazy! Heโ€™s full of confidence and sure of himself. The guy I date is a sigma...heโ€™s rebellious, rides a Harley, and other guys seem to feel uncomfortable and intimidated by him, (as seen by some of the other posts on here). Whenever we go out, the others girls canโ€™t stop staring at him because they too know how sexy a sigma male is. The thing I like most about him is he doesnโ€™t need a group of guys around him to validate himself like โ€˜alphasโ€™ do...and everyone else in the hierarchy, well us girls donโ€™t really pay attention to them anyway LOL. I love my bad boy Sigma!

Whoโ€™s that mysterious, sexy guy over there by himself That all the women are drooling over? He must be a sigma male!

by Christine6555 February 26, 2021

1768๐Ÿ‘ 674๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Male

A Sigma Male is somebody who doesn't give a shit about opinions

Homosexual: I'm gay
Sigma Male: I don't care

by MemerzRUs January 26, 2023

29๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Male

A beta male in denial

There is no such thing as a Sigma Male; touch grass mate.

by BigBoaih3076 May 26, 2021

594๐Ÿ‘ 378๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Male

A popular internet term used by YouTube channels and incels alike, a Sigma male refers to a quiet and mysterious gentleman who doesn't have to take initiative with women because he is approached by women. This term is abused by content creators to make less attractive men feel like gold as a means to get views and money.

"If you are an introverted male who doesn't approach women, you may be a Sigma Male."

by JP the ENFP June 15, 2022

19๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Male

An elaborate, long-term, 4D chess game to make a Ligma joke on a national scale.

At a Sigma Male convention:

"What are we?"
"Sigma balls"

by Gargalon March 8, 2021

147๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž