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giving off an aroma

I just farted and it smells like boiled cabbage.

by King Shit January 17, 2003

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Smell the smell

When you wake up and final realise what the smell is , or you live in a submarine and cannot smell the smell .

I cannot smell the smell anymore....

by Guaam March 15, 2021

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When someone/ somthing smells you do not want to smell it

Person 1: you smell

Person 2: :(

by OssBoss07 March 8, 2021


To perceive the odor or scent of through the nose by means of the olfactory nerves; inhale the odor of; to detect or become aware of as if by the sense of smell

David: Dude, i love the way Stacie smells

by David Mannn January 9, 2009

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smell my smell

smell your own poots

i pooted. smell my smell

by samee February 18, 2004

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Smell It

Smell it is a term used whenever there is a smell in the general vicinity, either good or bad. It is also used often around weed. SMELL IT!!

guy 1: hey, SMELL IT?!?
guy 2: SMELL IT!!!
guy 1: hey, YOU SMELL IT?!?
guy 3: I SMELL IT!!
guy 1: WOOO SMELL IT!!
everyone: SMELL IT!!!!

by 4riislkjrj May 20, 2009

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Jail Smell

Someone whose body stinks from ass sweat, grime, funk,matted shit and any other unsavory stench.

"Buddy standing in line ahead of me stinks so bad it brings tears to my eyes. He definitely has the Jail Smell!"

by will bitten January 5, 2017

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