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Southern slang for a cop.

an example is in the movie "Smokey and the Bandit"

Hey there Smokey trying to find Krispy Kreme?

by Fever Dream April 13, 2010

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If you have a cat or kitten named Smokey he is definitely the cutest most playful little thing ever. He most likely love to eat and never passes up an opportunity for a treat. They love it play with string and little balls. They hate being alone and always want attention

Girl 1 your cat is so playful

Girl 2 his name is Smokey

Girl 1 makes sense

by Smokey kitten November 25, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


An African American boy who is told to โ€œrun awayโ€ by a man named Joesph

Joesph Joestar: nigerundayo Smokey!

by Silver13 March 26, 2019

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When a woman smokes 60 packs of cigarrettes a day she is a smokey

Fuck off u fkn smokey cunt

by Stonilover November 28, 2019


A provocative, unpleasant adjective to a group of people who're always unsure of their own decisions - weather it's positive or negative, and always rely on other people's opinions without having a personality of their own - making it one of the most dangerous and to-be avoid list of people being named with that adjective.

"Man, these guys must be one of the Smokey types - huh?"
"They've really became smokey about the situation"

by AnnonymusSecretPersonMacaroni October 14, 2017

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Police car or Cop of of the state, city or county variety. Usually found under overpasses or donut shops, or parked in front of tow away zones.

Ah damn it, Smokey is in my rear view again.....

by urbanasaurus September 7, 2014

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A slang term regarding to cops and police men.

Uh-oh here come the somkeys!
Don't do it here the smokeys are right there!!

by David and Hector June 18, 2005

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