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alaskan snow angel

when you cum inside a girls vagina, then insert your fist and open and close your fingers

i need to get some wet naps because i just gave that girl an alaskan snow angel

by scene wolf March 13, 2011

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Making snow angels

A euphemism for when someone snorts cocaine

Hey chad did you end up making snow angels at the party yesterday? People said you got fucked up

by Moโ€™moneysnowproblem May 20, 2019

electric snow angel

This is where you take a girls vibrator and "re-wire" it to shock instead of vibrate. While you fuck her from the back you shoot your load all over her back. Then flip he over shove in the vibrator and turn that puppy on. She will start flappin and flailing around in your population pudding and make a snow angel.

I gave that bitch the electric snow angel.

by xkeairnsx September 11, 2012

Dirty Snow Angel

When you're banging a chick in the butt face down in snow, making a snow angel, you pull out and she shits all over the place.

Dude me and my chick went snowboarding this weekend and I gave her a Dirty Snow Angel, it was more brown than usual.

by the teflon don December 6, 2013

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asian snow angel

Just like a regular snow angel, but piss your pants first.

Hey, its a snow day, lets hide grandpa's Depends, and throw him out in the yard to make some asian snow angels.

by Captain Thunderfart January 20, 2011

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Hungarian snow angel

Two girls sit and shit on the ground. On the fecal matter the girls made, you cum on it as well. After that, the girls are making snow angels in their own shit!!!

Hey, instead of making snow angels, why don't we make Hungarian snow angels???

by Cummy worm November 18, 2010

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Snow Angel

Nutting on someones face and then rubbing your hand on it like a snow angel

Logan did the snow angel to Toby

by Ethan is a cat fucker March 4, 2019