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Starry Solstice

I don't even know. Ask Chillius.

Starry Solstice? More like Shitty Shitstice.

by FBI_WeegeeBoy1243 November 21, 2021


The most amazing partner ever they’re everything a person could ever want. They’re sweet, they’re funny, they’re absolutely gorgeous, they’re amazing and that’s why I love them. They’re like the sun, without it there's no point in life.

Solstice you are the love of my life.

by Shadow.PoGe November 1, 2021


Today- the Solstice. Celebrated in various traditions around the world. Some say it is the perfect time to clearly express what you need to manifest and then poof! They appear! Wishing you all a merry period of manifestationisms!

Elena on this bright, calm, starry Solstice wishes for:
A Merry Christmas for M
A HALE that feels like a haven, now (please)
To feel safe and protected and know that those she loves are at all times safe and protected, too
To dare herself to live like a big baller and do it! With the help of and alongside friends, family, community

by Freeasabird December 22, 2019


The best way for a Oneshot fan to get depression.

Person 1: Yo you heard about the Oneshot solstice ending?
Person 2: Naw, imma try it
Person 2 is then seen crying 3 hours later.

by OmegaDaBoi October 10, 2023


Simply put it's trash

Person 1: Solstice is name the girls section have given to their farewell.
Person 2: Wait. Isn't that the crappy farewell?
Everyone: Yup.

by You'llSee November 14, 2019