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The act of defecating

I need to go for a sookie before I can eat anything else.

by murdock350 March 6, 2014

13πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Similar to Gook except applied to middle eastern/arab people. Same pronounciation except as Gook except with an S Used widely in the US armed forces as a derogatory term to arabic people in iraq or other arabic countries. Term stems from the the fact that arab shops are called Souk or Souki in arabic.

Term is considered racist and similar to calling someone a paki or a wop; don;t use it unless you want to start a fight.

Can be used in numerous ways
1) sooki. Ie. I did not come to afghanstan to befriend any sooki
2) Souk people. Ie. I don't trust no souk people.

by Phil mAtio September 1, 2011

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

sooki sooki

That feeling you get on the roof of your mouth that feels moist but grainy at the same time


a.) I just ate that doughnut and not my mouth has that sooki sooki feeling UGH!!!!


Me: Hey KiKi...Ken-Ben want some cookies?

Both: Sure

Me: I made em myself how do you like em?

KiKi: They okay but.....it tastes like sooki sooki

Ken-Ben: (spits in trashcan)

by smoke006 March 14, 2011

2πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


"Im Emo and i like to lick balls"

"hi, im into sookie, and i like to cut myself and look tragically hip. how about you?"

by j bronner May 5, 2005

32πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž


the act of sticking your finger up someone's butt, similar to oil check

hahahahahaha, you just got sookied.

by Jimmy's friend March 18, 2006

29πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž


AWWW SOOKIE, SOOKIE NOW! Is a linguistically versatile expression that can express: sexual excitement; great joy, a warning; or the anticipation of eating a great meal.

This expression can be notably heard in the vintage R&B classics Groove Me by King Floyd (1971) and One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show by The Honey Comb (1971) β€” which may have been when the expression entered popular culture.

The ironically named character for the book and HBO series True Blood β€œSookie Stackhouse” is the actual embodiment of this expression since every aspect of the definition applies to her pulchritudinous body.

1) AWWW SOOKIE, SOOKIE NOW! Did you see those two new strippers tonight
2) AWWW SOOKIE, SOOKIE NOW! You made me a whole plate the Atlanta Lemon Pepper Wet Wings
3) AWWW SOOKIE, SOOKIE NOW! They just jumped your homeboy!!!! Let’s go and get β€˜em!
4) Whose potato salad is this; is it mama’s? AWWWW SOOKIE, SOOKIE NOW!

by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 18, 2022

310πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

sookie sookie now

meaning "oh, what now"

i win, sookie sookie now

by laurencarakelsi February 8, 2003

128πŸ‘ 484πŸ‘Ž