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spic and span

Something paticularly clean, fresh.

man ur outfit lookin spic and span!

by _metallwolf_ January 7, 2020

Spic and span

The description of a place that has been approved by the female parental as to meet her degree or expectations of cleanliness

You can't go see your girlfriend until this room is spic and span

by MysteryBot56 March 9, 2019

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spic and span

A derogatory term for latino twins.

Check out spic and span over there selling chiclets.

by ryuhyabusa May 18, 2004

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Spanning Out

1. To hold your arms out as if you are quite possibly holding the world up while looking to the sky signifying what a complete and total boss you are.
2. Letting everyone know that you are in control and they are simply toys in the game your playing.

Did you see those three guys at Spinnaker's spanning out?
Yeah, I wouldn't fuck with them.

by TheSalvation May 15, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spic & Span

Getting your house, lawn, and/or garden cleaned by workers of Mexican descent

Instead of asking my girl to keep herself occupied while I work, we invested in Spic & Span for the low, low price.

by N2O-LMAO May 9, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

texttention span

The attention span you have for a texting conversation.

Sorry I didn't reply, I've got such a short texttention span.

by LBeverly June 27, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Babe Span

Refers to how long an attractive/sexy female gathers attention from crowd.

Sable : Clara looks so fucking hot today.
Torres : Her Babe Span is on and will be extend for more than a day.

by Moulish Rated - R Punk February 9, 2015