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The effect or realization of the beauty in ones eyes. The sparkle is more than just a light reflecting in the saline of the pupal: it is the reflection of one's soul in a form that, like ones soul, is beautiful, shimmering, and often hard to see. It is said that if you can see the sparkle in the eyes of the person you are about to kiss, they are the one for you!

As he looked into her eyes, he could see all of the goodness, joy, and elation of the times they have shared together. Indeed, he could be sure by the sparkle in her eyes, she was the one.

by Daniel Tiger September 6, 2014

50๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a male cums and then urinates in a females butthole. Can only be done with a female by one male. The two must mix.

Guy: I totally went sparkling with Girl #1 last night. It was awesome.

by fakename29034789 August 16, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for herb, marijuana or bud

Hey do you have any Sparkles

by TwistedKarma July 19, 2017


v. To perform fellatio on men.

"Jenna Jameson sure can sparkle."
"Edward, you sparkle."

by Pythagorus July 1, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb: The act of throwing or applying glitter to someone or their clothes

1.) Bro, why do you look like you came from a first grade art class?

2.) Dude, Veronica totally sparkled me.

by ??_?? November 27, 2011

78๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. to appeal to others
2. what people like me want to name their kid

"Hey, that dude sparkles."
"Sparkle, pick this crap up."

by Catherine C. May 22, 2006

79๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. To act like an emo or an angst, to believe to be unloved and not cared for. Derived from the movie Twilight were the gay emo vampires sparkle in the sunlight.

Me: Stop sparkling or cut yourself in a corner, eitherway, I don't care, as long as you don't sparkle

by Spingy SPINGY! February 18, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž