Source Code

bullseye splashback

The occurance of splashback during a number 2 that is so accurate, it returns straight back to the point of origin inside the anus. Can be greated with a sly smile of self satisfaction.

Guy in first cubicle: (PLOP) Hehe..

Guy in second cubicle: (In envy) Bullseye splashback...

by Willllll t March 24, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

splashback baby

when the guy blows a load in the toilet and forgets to flush or doesn't flush, then the woman goes to the bathroom, drops a deuce and the splash from the turd splashes up with the load...and boom there you have a baby 9 months later...."I shall call him lil shit"

my brother is a result of a splashback baby.

by eradacator486 November 10, 2017

toxic splashback

The unpleasent and unwanted action of water or deoderizer fluid splashing back up on one's ass after depositing a very large shit into either an outhouse or a john.

OSHA requires all poop 6 inches or longer be hand lowered due to toxic splashback.

by crazy lumberjack June 17, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sample of three total squares of toilet tissue used to break the skin of the water in a toilet to prevent splashback.

Guy A- "I always get water on my ass when I pinch a loaf."
Guy B- "Dude, you have to remember to lay out the "Splashback-blocker."

by "The Flash" Mulhern January 2, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urine splashback

Urine splashback is what happens to some people (men only) when they are using the urinal and the force of the urine causes some to splash back and hit your shirt or pants.

Person 1: Dude why are your pants all wet?

Person 2: I had to piss really bad and it came out way to fast..it splashed back and hit me

Person 1: That damn urine splashback again...

by yo mama jk im yo daddy November 30, 2011

toilet splashback

this little "shit" that's coming back to where it come frome.When you're wondering why your anus is wet

The toilet splashback i had yesterday was pretty masive

by Bastibalu April 7, 2016

Vietnam splashback

When you take a massive dump and you splash out half of the toilet water onto your bum.

Person 1:Hey bro just got a massive Vietnam splashback
Person 2:I feel your pain man.

by Itsyourboyhere December 27, 2017