Source Code


Sandwiches per minute

The woman's SPM is 5 sandwiches per minute

by People are weird 101 March 20, 2021

1👍 2👎


it means "score per minute". mainly in video games with permanent stats like BF2, BF2142...

me: my SPM in BF2: 3.45 !
friend:waw nice, mine is 1.5

by JohnLC November 22, 2006

27👍 171👎


Acronym for the Malaysian high school government exam, Sijil Penilaian Menengah. Giving hell for 17 year olds for years.

ZOMG I got 17 A1s for SPM!

by Musdom May 4, 2005

21👍 178👎


Score Per Minute, in various games, for example BattleField2

A: How much is your SPM ?
B: It's like 1.92
A: Kewl.

by N0Obie September 22, 2005

18👍 169👎


An abbreviation for sperm

I went to the doctor to have my SPM checked.

by Panchoman Jr. November 6, 2006

10👍 165👎

Stoner Panic Mentality (SPM)

Differs from your typical pot-smoking paranoiac in that, due to vast inferiority complexes paired with unresolved childhood issues in tandem with delusions of grandeur compounded by the vast amounts of cannabis smoked since early teenage years, this blend of smoker vacillates between seeing himself as a hero one moment, picked-on the next. Warning: is ready to snap at any moment if either his self-heroics or “victim status” are threatened.

“Brandon’s Stoner Panic Mentality (SPM) must’ve kicked in ‘cause he just threatened to choke the life out of that guy over nothin’.”

“You know a 45-year-old man’s got Stoner Panic Mentality (SPM) of if he offered to bring a doctor’s note to work after staying home ‘cause he’s too stoned to come in to the office.”

by Rawty Rawty Piper October 14, 2009

24👍 6👎


Hey man, how long did it take you to get here?
"Ahh, you know man, like 65 SPM

SPM means Stumbles per meter.

by Trip up! April 8, 2021