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macaroni with the chicken strips

food that makes you AHHHHHHhhhhhh-

macaroni with the chicken strips AHHH-

by ChickenStrips.com October 19, 2021

4👍 1👎

popped a chicken strip

a saying for any action you are doing

“hey john, what did ya do yesterday?”
“just popped a chicken strip, wby?”

by static156 June 11, 2019

Soggy Chicken Strips

A way to describe an Old Man’s balls when they’re saggy and wrinkly

Man, my grandma was telling me about Old Man Joe’s Soggy Chicken Strips.

by DobbyTheBuckbeak July 6, 2019

Chicken Strip 2

This is my best friend

It’s her nickname
She is amazing

Unlike you

Chicken Strip 2 is nice

by LL.xx December 27, 2022

Tennessee chicken strip

The Tennessee Chicken Strip is whenever you eat a chicken strip out of a girl’s asshole.

Julian did the tennessee chicken strip last night with his girlfriend.

by gotchajulian February 8, 2020

Fuck ya chicken strips

An 11/10 vine that must be seen. This is a very good vine. Better than doge.

“How’s ya chicken strips
Fuck ya chicken strips

by FuckYaChickenStripsBoi March 11, 2018

36👍 3👎

fuck your chicken strips

a classic vine, normally used for people to decribe food

David, how's your food? Do you want to try mine?

Fuck your chicken strips.

by okay_grace January 20, 2018

40👍 7👎