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Game Stupor

When an individual becomes thoroughly engrossed and captivated by the video game he/she is playing and loses track of time and bodily needs.

Can only be broken by death or beating the current level.

I started playing halo reach at 1 this afternoon, and when I woke from the game stupor, it was 9pm and I was fucking starving

by swagger71 November 8, 2010

stupor star

a person famous for being clueless or a famous person who happens to be clueless.

Teen USA Miss South Carolina 2007 is a stupor star.

by seabird August 28, 2010

cum stupor

The feeling that a man gets when he realizes he's never cum so many times in one evening. It is composed of part pride and part disbelief in performance, with a large dose of wishful thinking for the future.

Being he wasn't used to cuming more then once or twice during a tryst, by the fifth time he was in quite a cum stupor!

by Tarzan's Jane September 9, 2011

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stupor metroid

to stupify someone, metroid style.

your moms ass is a prune

by Republican Nazi June 28, 2003

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mini cooper stupor

this is similar to slug bug or Pt Cruiser buiser in which you whop an unsuspecting person\persons in the arm or a smack on top of the head. Only the one who sees the car first gets to do the whopping.

When a person sees a mini cooper they call out "mini cooper stupor" and then they have dibbs on the car.

by Jim Schupp January 22, 2009

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Stupidity Stupor

A state of confusion when a smart person is arguing with an idiot, and the smart person suddenly hits a mental brick wall because the other person is so utterly ignorant, it's shocking that they can even think the way they do and take everything they say 100% seriously.

Paul had a stupidity stupor when he realized Jeff was 100% serious about his belief that the Holocaust was a fake event staged by the Jewish.

(A/N: I did not make this up. There are actually people who believe this.)

by Someone who kinda exists May 28, 2022

sunday stupor

The mental fuzziness you feel on sunday morning caused by the immense amount of substances you consumed the night before.

Dude i'll be in a sunday stupor tomorrow at work if I keep taking strikeouts.

by floridapartyguy February 8, 2010