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super duper high

the highest you can possibly be

I'm fuckin super duper high right now

by thehighguy December 11, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

super duper cute

The ultimate in all cuteness!

Elise is super duper cute!

by Gaz1987 August 4, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Duper Scientists

the amazing group of scientists only few are privileged enough to be a part of while many wish they were

those people are just such super duper scientists, i wish i was part of their group.

by speedytwiggy February 3, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Duper Yea!

A sarcastic comment on when a straight man says to something he thinks is homosexual.

1. Do you want to go to the gay bar and suck Pedro's dick?
you: Super duper yea!

by J Metz October 30, 2009

Super Duper Hueii

The act of being so excited you make a random, yet funny noise to show it. Made famous my a great man named carlton. Also used when finishing with a partner at the climax. Screaming Super Duper HUEII shows the magnitude of what you just did.

With the super duper HUEII!!!!!!

by moharchad November 23, 2011

super duper sussybussy

someone that is sooooooo sussy 69 haahhahaahhahah sus amogus sususususususususususu

2:super sus

by sussy bussy oddbod February 15, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Duper Straight

A person who isn't a attracted to bisexual or trans people. Not to be confused with super straight where you're only not attracted to trans people.

Milo: I think you're cute, wanna go out
Becky: Sorry, I'm super duper straight so I'm not attracted to bisexuals
Milo: Oh, so your homophobic
Becky: No, I'm just not attracted to bisexual people, doesn't mean I have a problem with them
Milo: Oh, okay then *cries*

by Davey6462 September 6, 2021

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