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Supply Lines

1. A side mission in GTA: San Andreas that involves disposing 3 vans, 2 motorcycles with one model plane. After numerous (failed) attempts due to fuel shortage and crappy handling, the player spouts a trillion curse words and angrily hurls PS2 out the window.

2. Something seemingly impossible unless you know the secret.

3. A simple task that pisses off millions around the globe.

(Gamer) "I !@#$ hate supply lines!!"

(Gamer): "Hmm, you save fuel by not moving the plane."

(Sumo Wrestler): "Hai!, I @#$ hate supply lines!!"

by Vanessa December 1, 2004

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yorkshire supplies

A covert supply of a regionally-specific food product or sundry commodity, carried for substitution in a public setting outside of the region of origin

"Why's that lass rootling around in her hipster nap sack?"

"Don't worry, old boy: she's turned her nose up at the range of teas on offer but she'll be alright. She's carrying her Yorkshire supplies."

by Redbenches September 30, 2013

Supply Chain

Supply chain's are a systematic and quantitative method to integrating, optimising and managing all functions related to people, financing, logistics and more with the primary goal of an effective supply chain to include the reduction of waste, delays, and overhead, in addition to mitigating risk and gaining a competitive advantage.

German multinational companies have highly flexible supply chains that adapt to external events with high fluidity,

by Professional- September 20, 2018

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supply teacher

A substitute (sub)/replacement teacher for a teacher/professor that is absent or otherwise occupied that day/period of class. Generally Americans use the term "sub" or "substitute" instead of "supply". Sometimes the term "supply teacher" can confuse people and make them think its a teacher who gives out school supplies at school, instead of what they are which is an 'extra' teacher available when the original teacher is out.

"Boy, that supply teacher was fit. I hope the next time our teacher is out, he fills in for her."

by VintageValley August 11, 2012

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Supplies election

A democratic voting process to nominate and install a leader to manage ongoing resources.

Also, an Asian term for an unexpected stiffy.

Australian man: "How will we decide who will order the popcorn from now on?"
Asian man: "Supplies election?"
Australian man: "Great idea. Crikey, where'd your boner come from?"

by ThePonderer November 8, 2016

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power supply

A Power Supply is in a Computer, and provides power.
Watch out! some Noname Power supplies are chinabombs, and will explode within some years!

My Power supply exploded, i think i should by a new one.

by Lorenz :)+ January 3, 2017

Mormon Supply

A massive supply of any type of item(s)

"Yeah, he's got a Mormon Supply of old nintendo games in his basement!"

by Logan Nickel May 15, 2007

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