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White supremacy

Any White or Asian person who doesn't affiliate with or call themselves an Antifa member or a Black Life's Matter activist

Hey that White guy doesn't support BLM activists burning down a business. He's so into White supremacy.

by Gunner Dangler March 17, 2021

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Class Supremacy

the belief that upper class people are superior to those of all other classes, especially the underclass, and should therefore dominate society.

"We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open class supremacy"

by Angry Hobo October 4, 2019

Yellow Supremacy

Asian Supremacy

Fuck black and white supremacy lets go Yellow Supremacy

by AmonAmagiri June 19, 2016

27๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Woke Supremacy

A phrase coined by American Senator Tim Scott. Generally refers to the belief that the opinions of far-left people are more important or valid than those of people with opposing views. Woke supremacists frequently target racial and sexual minorities who disagree with them such as, Coleman Hughes, Thomas Sowell, Blair White, and Cubans who voted for Trump.

In another egregious example of woke supremacy, Chelsea Handler forced 50 Cent to not vote for Trump.

by The man with an unknown name March 19, 2021

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Black Supremacy

A progressive beyonder ideology that believes that black people are either inherently superior or that black people should have more rights than other races. Common black supremacist beliefs are that all white people are racist and that black people cannot be racist against other races. Black supremacists often use a reverse KKK pyramid where lighter skin tones are at the bottom. The earliest known black supremacist was a Jamaican preacher named Leonard Howell in 1935. Howell preached it as a response to white supremacy and the government's failure to protect black people.

Martin Luther King Jr. said "A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality."

by Shugunou March 1, 2023

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Kurapika Supremacy

This is when you {worship} Kurapika

He is allmighty. AKAKU

Hey, I believe in Kurapika Supremacy

Same dude, same

by Tree/Photosynthesis January 21, 2021

Norwegian Supremacy

Norwegian Supremacy. Norwegian Supremacy is something those who are born in Norway, knows Norwegian or people who have achieved it through someone who has it who can give you the title.

If you have Norwegian Supremacy you are in a state of complete control and awareness of yourself. Your cells and biological processes, your breaths and thoughts, your movements and emotions, your conscious and un/subconscious, etc. You have complete control.

When you have Norwegian Supremacy you are basically immune to people who don't have it. You are completely more worth than everything else, you have the power of Norwegians. The most advanced specimen ever to be created. You are complete, the best. People can call you anything, but it won't matter. Norwegian Supremacy got your back.

People with Norwegian Supremacy are supposed to stand by each other's side. They are there for each other, and at any point, they can help these lesser specimen by using their Norwegian Supremacy to help.

There are people who can never achieve this Supremacy and even Norwegian's who can lose it. These are racists, pedos, rapists and other bullshit, people. Oh and also no Swedish people can ever get this, they are just.. Meh.

Mikkel: "Yo, did you hear about Lisa? She apparently got depression and everything.."

Dan: "Yeah, I did, but everything is fine since Pรฅl already helped her. He apparently used his Norwegian Supremacy to help her deal with the problems. And it worked because we all know..."
Mikkel: "Norwegian Supremacy works with everything! Except for Swedes of course.."

by Tenkeper January 15, 2021

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