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Tang is yet another word of the language nuggerish.

1. A girl.
2. A vagina.
3. Any sexual favor that a tang (girl) gives a guy, most commonly (but not necessarily) via her tang (vagina).

"Tell that tang to get over here and top me off with a couple gallons."

"Her tang was ainst good."

"Give me tang, po I be da likes."

by Zack Mooney January 5, 2006

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Tang means great. Not to be overused, this special word means something is just the bomb. Saved for special occasions, this word can be used to describe something beyond fantastic.

That going away party was absolutely tang!

by Moi January 19, 2005

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Vagina is such a scary name, it's not cute and no other word that means vagina is cute other than tang. It's not gross and it's comfortable to say instead of vag-i-na! It's not fair that penis isn't scary.

I hope my tang doesn't get old and wrinkly, do you think that they have botox for that?

by Natalie S. and Rachel B. May 16, 2008

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Once, a friend tried to make sangria, but lacking the proper ingredients, suggested that the drink be prepared with the orange drink Tang. Shocked and dismayed, one of my friends said "oh, now that's tang!" as a reference to describe how tacky or poor the situation had become.

"oh, now that's tang!"

by twg June 21, 2004

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From Robby Ascue: pussy, vagina

I'm gonna get mass tang

by J September 13, 2004

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Tang Juice... not the space aged orange flavoured drink.

Dave hurls at the smell of Tang Juice.

by MethMan December 19, 2003

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a funny ass why to say pussy

what you thikin about zerias

by DyLaNbEaHm March 3, 2008

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