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tectonic plate

A nickname for a fella named norman

Sup tectonic plate

by Hog wild23 January 24, 2016

12👍 8👎

Tectonic Fart

A small explosion between the legs, composed of vapourized poop particles that creates a shift in the Earth's crust.

Brad's tectonic fart shook the table and knocked off a glass of water.

by pork21 January 15, 2021

Tectonic plates

Nothing, it’s just tectonic plates

“You wanna know why?” “Tectonic plates.”

by YoungCave February 15, 2020

1👍 2👎

Tectonic Meat Slippage

When too many items on a sandwich such as tomatoes, lettuce and mayo cause the meat to slide off the sandwich resulting in total sandwich destruction.

Todd bites into his sandwich, the meat falls out the back and the remainder of the sandwich crumbles in his hands.

Frank-"Woah! tectonic meat slippage. Better get a fork, Todd"

by killersbytrade January 31, 2010


Tectone is a sexy man that is 100x better than you at pretty much everything

Damn you are such a Tectone

by teccy chad September 24, 2022