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Also known as "teen" which is short for the term "Teenager."
A human being from the ages 13-19, in which the human body goes through puberty and starts maturing, (even though teenagers stereotypically don't act mature). Also known as the "adolescent." In the teen years, humans are driven crazy by hormones and females start becoming able to produce babies, and males produce sperm. This is the stage in which the humans(both female and male)become horniest.
Females are known to become bitchy and moody and males are known to become extremily horny.
The teen years are also when the human starts to discover their indivuality, though they are slowed down by the desire to "fit in," and/or be "cool." What is considered cool among teenagers has slightly changed over the years, though it pretty much stays the same.

A teen's guide on how to be considered "cool:"

1) REBEL. (Do whatever your parents tell you NOT to do, {or what your parents already do if they don't disipline you enough}and Forget the rules!!! This includes doing drugs, taking part in sexual activites, binge drinking, sneaking out of the house, or anything else one can think of, that is illegal or completely stupid/unsafe.)

2. DRESS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. (--Even though a lot of teens argue that they dress like individuals, it's all pretty much the same.--In today's standards, that means that all girls must dress like whores, and boys must either dress like their clothes are too big for them {which explains the baggy pants that is falling off their butt,} or dress whichever way is considered "manly." This also means boys can't wear "whitey-tighties" if they want, even though it offers them support.)

3. LISTEN TO THE RIGHT MUSIC. (This means the teenager must listen to all the explicit music about all the "cool" things, like drugs and sex. Some even listen to music about suicide, drugs and sex.)

4. BULLSHIT YOUR GRADES. (This means only fake all your schoolwork, or don't do it at all, because if you actually try to learn, you will be a nerd/geek with no life, and that isn't cool. Being intelligent is so not cool!)

5. HANG OUT WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE. (In the world of the adolescent, there are many labels. Rule of thumb is that you hang out with teens of your label {Or, if you're a wannabe, you hang out with people who are "cool" only.} This means that emo kids only hang out with emo kids, punks only with punks, goths only with goths, {though these three can sometimes mesh together}; Preps only with preps, ghetto kids only with other ghetto kids, and Geeks, nerds, and rejects/losers can hangout with eachother, because no one likes them anyway, so they can mesh together and be uncool together.)

6. HATE YOUR PARENTS. (Just hate them, because they make your life miserable. Or, if you are one of those who have "cool" parents, who let you do whatever you want, then you are blessed, and this rule doesn't apply to you.)

7. NEVER LISTEN TO ELDERS. (Forget about adult advice. They were NEVER your age! Don't listen to their crap about avoiding mistakes. They just don't understand. No one, except for fellow teenagers, understands what it's like to be a teenager.)

8. NEVER BE GRATEFUL. (Even though the modern day teen is spoiled and has nothing to complain about, don't be thankful, because life as a teenager sucks anyway.)

Follow these 8 simple rules and you're on your way to become the coolest stereotypical teen ever!

Not all teens out there follow these rules. Teens vary in personality. Sadly though, the majority of them fall into the stereotype one way or another.

Unfortunately, all human beings go through the stage of being a teen/teenager/adolescent. Some don't stop being teens, while others grow up, have kids, and forget what it's like being a teenager, denying any of the mistakes they made while they were an awkward teen. Some even manage to raise more teens.

Teen a: iTs cOoL tO tYpE lIkE tHiS!

Teen b: I'm pregnate with my bbfs baby! we were on drugs and then it sorta happned like omg lol

Teen c: LIKE OMG! I love the mall and hanging out with all muh girlz. I LOVE YOU GUYS! XOXOX BFFS FOR LIFE!

teen d: girls are only good for sex. life is only good for sex

teen e: that is so uncool.

teen f: I hate my life.

Here's to all the smarter, uncool teenagers other there, who might be reading this!
And Here's to all the parents out there, who in spite of all the stupidness of the teenager, still give their support.

by OneUncoolTeenGirl March 12, 2006

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Someone who psychologically toes the line between childhood and adulthood. This usually begins at the age 13 and ends at 18, but it can sometimes start early and end late, and vice versa.

Claudia: But, Sean, we need someone to watch the boys!
Jimmy: Look, it's not THE boys, all right?! It's A boy, and a TEENAGER!

by Elizabeth Bennett March 25, 2006

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Someone who is confused 24/7, has no idea what s/he wants to do with his/her life, is probably doing something really stupid right now because of their confusion, is ungrateful, moody, self-centered, and is either really self-conscious or really arrogant. Teenagers are confused because they question everything the see or hear, and they can't figure out what to believe, and what’s wrong or right. Some ways that adults can help teenagers through this rough time is 1) remembering what it felt like to be a teenager and relating their experiences to that of the teenager, 2) listening to what the teenager has to say instead of figuring that their opinions aren't valid, 3) letting them know that the adult cares about them and that the adult would do anything to make their hardships disappear, and, 4) by being as understanding as possible, no matter how ungrateful, stupid, and self-centered the teenager acts. Some ways that a teenager can be healthy and happy is 1) just being YOURSELF; stop acting the way “everyone else” is and do things because you think they are the right thing to do, not because somebody else said they are the right thing to do, 2) by mentally saying “Fuck you” to whoever steps on you and tries to tell you that you are worthless, and just moving on, 3) by being practical and not so impulsive, and keeping in mind that its normal to have intense sexual desire and intense confusion, and that acting on pure impulses is self-destructive and will not necessarily make you happy, 4) by keeping in mind that its OKAY if you don’t know what you want to do with your life right away; it will come naturally, so don’t force it or you will probably get frustrated, 5) by remembering that although many adults will try to manipulate you, that doesn’t mean you can’t trust any of them. Search for the ones you think you can trust, and let them give you advice, and, 6) by not taking life too seriously; laughing often and trying to use your inner wisdom to get you through this hellish thing we call life.

I hope this will help you and that it is somewhat valid; I’m 16 years old, so if you are a teenager, know that we are in this together even though I don’t know you. Peace.

I really hope that I am not a stereotypical teenager.

by Becca Jane January 3, 2007

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Being a teenager is the first time you encounter love, temptation, hate, stupidity, and your principles. There are stupid people, foolish people, smart people, cool people, whatever else you can think of. It is a time in your life where it's like a blindfold is taken off of you and you see the world as it is. You know what is out there and you have adult privelleges, but you are free of nagging adult responsibilities. Enjoy it my friends. Enjoy it before you become part of a soceity that makes you a drone.

Being a teenager is a chaotic and incredulous time but it can be great.

by virginslims May 28, 2011

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Someone who is ready for the zombie apocalypse but not ready for the math test twomorrow

My son is a teenager

by James Bread November 29, 2017


Sometimes misjudged people, who some see as insolent young people who act on impulse.

Teenagers are people who are growing into people who are trying to figure out who they are in this crazy world. Who are trying to deal with things in their own way and learning lessons from their decisions.

Teenagers are people who are sometimes misjudged, looked down on, found to be immature, etc.

Mom: Why did she sneak out !! Its midnight!!

Dad: How should I know!! She's a teenager!!

Mom: Well if you where around more, she wouldn't be going, god-knows where, doing god-knows what!!! *yells*

Dad: Don't you start!! *yells*

(In the bedroom)

Daughter : Shut up...and I wonder why I sneak out...to get away from this...

by teddyISbear December 20, 2011

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Reference to 1/16 of an ounce of drugs

As in one sixTEENh of an ounce

customer "hey, you good with a teenager"

Supplier "yay, i got you on that teenager"

by terboin April 29, 2013

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