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barrio logan

The biggest neighborhood in southeast San Diego. Its famous for Chicano Park and being a ghetto.

barrio logan is where its at

by Celestina April 16, 2007

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A bactonian slang term for consistently making grammatical errors and general mistakes in the 4 week look ahead.

You have done another barrio, the concrete was meant for thursday, NOT wednesday!


When you're singing to your hearts content during a rendition of "dont cry your heart out" but consistently sing the wrong lyrics. This can best be described as 'Barrioke'

by BACTON July 12, 2019

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Barrio Booty

A term used when you see a girl with a firm, big, tight round ass. Most Latinas have barrio booty.

Dayumm homes, look at that chicas barrio booty!

Vida Guerra, Andrea Rincon, Keyra Augustina, J-lo etc, all have barrio booty.

by T.A.T June 11, 2008

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barrio boy

Spanish slang for a Latino/Hispanic ghetto boy

barrio= meaning "neighbornood" in Spanish, and in Spanish slang a Latino/Hispanic ghetto

In regular Spanish, barrio boy just means neighborhood boy.

girl 1: Hey, who's that kid over there?

girl 2: Oh. That's just Miguel, the barrio boy.

by CTP9501 May 28, 2009

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Little Barrio

1. A tiny run down city or town, usually inhabited by many a mexican. Sometimes known as a "ghetto", but slightly different.

2. Isaac

(When referring to "Isaac" one may also use the shortened version "Barrs" or "Lil Barrio".

1. My grandma died in a Little Barrio.

2. Little Barrio died in my grandma.

by Little Barrio himself May 3, 2006

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barrio chino

'Red-light district' in Spanish.

"Estamos en el barrio chino."
"You soy de el bario chino."

by Sarah123 November 11, 2006

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armo barrio

The southern, urban portion of the City of Glendale where many Armenians live. Along with Elote ladies, you will hear Armenian produce sellers yelling out their specials such as "DASHTI PAMIDOR!" You will see many luxury cars parked on congested streets and apartment-style homes.

I just moved to LA from Kansas and I personally love living in the Armo Barrio.

by ara_eek March 19, 2023