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campaign goggles

When working on a campaign, you start becoming attracted to other staffers that you would not normally find attractive.

Normally, I wouldn't have touched her, but I got a case of campaign goggles and ended up hooking up with her.

by A.B.M. November 1, 2010


An additional derogatory title given for Donald J Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, by his detractors. The title alludes to his lack of leadership and his obsession with campaigning for his own reelection. It is intended as a parody on the term "Commander-In-Chief."

Donald Trump, when not golfing or tweeting on the shitter, loves to play the role of Campaigner-In-Chief

by littlehandsMAGA July 21, 2017

smear campaign

A dirty political campaign run against your opponent, using exaggerations, lies, and/or quotes taken out of context, in an attempt to scare or disgust the public against that candidate.

See also: the 2012 Obama re-election campaign against Mitt Romney

The 2012 presidential election used a smear campaign against Romney, implying that he didn't pay taxes, had a war on women, went around with his dog tied to the car, was a high school bully, hated 47% of the country, and was nothing but a rich greedy douche. The Obama administration, Mother Jones and some members of the media used dirty tactics. Too bad, the economy probably would be much better if he were president, but we'll never know now.

by ChickadeeDoo January 30, 2014

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One Campaign

Created in conjunction with Bono of U2, the ONE Campaign is a U.S.-based, non-profit organization which aims to increase United States government funding for international aid programs.

ONE was originally founded by a coalition of 11 non-profit humanitarian and advocacy organizations โ€” including DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade in Africa), World Vision, Oxfam America, and Bread for the World โ€” with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, ONE announced that it would be merging with DATA.

One is supported by Edun, which creates a line of clothing creating visibility for the project. The One Campaign is supported by musicians such as Switchfoot, Third Day and Paul Avion.

The One Campaign was created in conjunction with U2's Bono and with support from other musicians such as Third Day, Paul Avion and Switchfoot. You can show support by wearing the One shirt or ring.

by Sachan July 16, 2008

Campaign Promise

To make a promise that one never has the intention of keeping. Normally done with the motivation of pleasing or impressing and individual at the present moment.

Person #1: Lets take a fun trip. I know u will have a goood time!!!

Person #2: Sounds great...r u sure u will be able to swing it?

Person #1: O...yeah huney, I would never bail on ya.

Person #2: Amigo...don't you dare make me shell out $$s again on another "Campaign Promise"!!!

by hdagr8tym August 17, 2009

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Smear Campaign

Public attempt to spread negative information about a person or people.

Syco ordered a smear campaign against the group when they realized that the band was planning to sign with another label.

by LarryIsLife.28 May 16, 2017

The campaign trail

Fun and based election game

The campaign trail is fun

by Rudy Giuliani 969797 August 9, 2021