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A Chase is the person you could come to for help. He will be the light of your day. He may be shy at times but once you get to know him a little better he will start talking. If you are ever lucky enough to find one and date him or atleast be his friend. You will know you found the one you hope to be with you in all of your journys.

Is that Chase? The guy who has been dating her for years?

Yah it is. They are so in love.โ™ก

by Hisgurl132 February 19, 2017

61๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


very sarcastic. The one who gets called out for talking when their not supposed to. Chases are quite fine, hot, sweet, and great for a laugh. very supportive. they are usually tall and blond.

Chase: I feel so miserable without you, itโ€™s almost like having you here.

by favgirl! January 6, 2012

742๐Ÿ‘ 340๐Ÿ‘Ž


that one guy who everyone yells at when he walks into a party. He will pick up your beer pong ball and win the game while drinking his own beer.

"Dude, we're 9-0 because of Chase"

by Mahjestic December 13, 2009

189๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who is amazing. A great friend to anyone. You can talk to him about anything. He's hilarious and goofy, in a good way. He'll do pretty much anything for someone he cares about. He will stick up for you and won't let anyone be mean to you. He will even offer to be your man of honor and wear a dress in your wedding (:

see this guy Chase, yeah, he's one of my best friends.

by SMITH420420 May 17, 2017

52๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you are so chad and based at the same time that you become too powerful and law enforcement starts tracking you down to silence you

That guy is so chased! Police must be coming for him!

by Zebuloing September 16, 2020


The ultimate giver of the D, often times accused of giving too much of the D.

"Oh my god! That guy I hooked up with last night was a total Chase. I can barely walk today!"

by cmoney1188 February 3, 2010

142๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


The hottest guy. All the girls will go crazy for him, but he has only one true love. He is nice and caring and will exceed the limits if he truly loves you. Chase will most likely stand up for the girl he likes or turn red faced. He may be shy around girls. A Chase will most likely crush on a girl with brown, dark brown, or black hair or names that start with L or N Examples would be Nora, Nicole, Lindsey, or Lisa. Chase is very athletic and strong. Chase wouldnโ€™t mind if you try to flirt with him, but he make act dumb or not pay attention because you are not his true love. Chaseโ€™s true love wonโ€™t try to flirt with him, but make him feel loved and cared for. Once you find a Chase never let him go.

*Girl* Oh hi chase ~twists he hair~
*Chase* Ummm...
*Cโ€™s love* Hey Chase whatโ€™s up?
*Chase* Just hanging around

by ColorfulDevil September 16, 2019

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž